meeting EVE And Anne

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After a work and cleaning a trash. They noticed a fridge that hasn't open for while

In junkyard Wall-E And Esther were dumpster diving

Isaac: Hey guys! Marc-E found something!


Marc-E: whoa calm down now. I found a green plant.

Wall-E: A plant?

Marc-E: Yeah!

Esther grabbed the plant.

Esther: it's pretty...

Esther hold the plant and put on pot (flowers pot)

As they heading back to trailer they noticed something weird

Esther and Molly notice it

Marc-E: hmm? A red... Dot?

Wall-E tried to grab it but it moved

Marc-E: What the!

Hopp: Did you see that Esther

Marc-E: my turn... I get that one for this!

But it moved again and it starts running?

Wall-E and Marc-E chase it anyway Esther flew after them leaving Molly and Isaac to the run as fast as they after them

But... Unknown to them every red dots are I meaning Seriously.... LITERALLY.... TOTALLY EVERYWHERE IN AREA!

Esther revealed her wings and flew faster

A single dot finally stops (while every dot is approaching)

Marc-E: now the moment of Truth grab it!

WALL-E grabbed the dot just as Esther flew while her friends tirelessly  walk in

Suddenly Marc-E hear something from distance in sky she and WALL-E looked up and it's in fact... A ROCKET!

Wall-E: ahhh Rrrrrraaahhh ughhhhhhh


Esther hid herself, Molly and Isaac in her wings while WALL-E and MARC-E dove into the rocks

And after that The rocket lands. And engines are off

Esther revealed herself, Molly and Isaac while WALL-E and Marc-E Emerges from the rocks

Marc-E: A-are we a-alive?

Wall-E: HM!

*Suddenly a Cargo door opens revealing a 3 US Troops and are expedition team

US Soilder: Any signs of life?

One of the troops scan it

US Soilder: negative... Well we'll put them both on there for while

Esther: wait I thought me, molly and Isaac are last humans on earth?

US Soilder: *Hears a sounds* Who's there?.*aims with M4 Carbine*

Esther: *Gasp* *hides*

US Soilder: ... Meh, must be imagination

They place 2 things in here and place a code before it hatch opens revealing to be... EVE

The other one hatch opens as well and revealing to be...

A old friend Anne but a robotic version since a real Anne is still on Axiom

How about Robo-Anne

While Marc-E shocked in awe...

Marc-E: You seeing this...

They both activate

Wall-E started blushing and so did Marc-E

Esther started thinking about ruby from her previous life


US Soilder: All Civilians are advised to walk in orderly fashion this is not a drill people but calm down you'll be back in 5 years

Ruby: I-im scared

Miss Beverly: I know it's scary leaving earth but don't worry once everything here is done we can return and you can return to your Nana

Esther POV: Little gem... I miss you.

Ruby: B-but Shelby Waybright is evil I-is her Beverly?

Miss Beverly: I don't but I wish he could bring them with us but that a hole said no

*Back in Present*

3 US Troops gets back to rocket and it starts to launch

Esther was crying

The Rocket is taking off

Marc-E: Aahhh!!!

Esther was still crying as everyone else hid but Esther skin didn't burn her

Marc-E scared

Wall-E though was amazed by Esther's abilities

Robo-Anne: Let's do this EVE time to search the plant

EVE: Nodded in agreement

They first search the area and scan here but find nothing

They saw a rocket flying and they started to flying. Which everyone amazed

Especially Marc-E

After a long flight

Marc-E: Oooh *crack a small rock* whoa!

Esther: Duck! A random duck: Quack

Robo-Anne fire with plasma gun and so EVE

The Roach saw what happened in distance

Esther: Okay THAT WAS CLOSE!

at streets

EVE was scanning for life forms and so Robo-Anne

While everyone is in distance away from them

We see EVE is scanning the infamous pizza truck

At tires she scan every tires id had life form until a roach is approaching her

Wall-E: What are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed! Nonononono!

They both fired at that roach

Wall-E; AHH!

But thankfully the roach survive

Robo-Anne: Oooh hey there little fella

The Roach climbed all over them which made others laugh but EVE noticed and firs with plasma

Marc-E: Aahhh!!!

EVE orit orit orit EVE then scanned everyone and found out that Esther and her friends were life forms

After they both left Marc-E Blushes so much

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