58 Years later...

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A view in space beautiful in galaxy

Out there
There's a world outside of Yonkers
Way out there beyond this hick town, Barnaby
There's a slick town, Barnaby
Out there
Full of shine and full of sparkle
Close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby
Listen, Barnaby

The View shift to earth and it heads to What remains if United States in various locations

Put on your Sunday clothes
There's lots of world out there
Get out the brillantine and dime cigars
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
Girls in white, in a perfumed night
Where the lights are bright as the stars
Put on your Sunday clothes
We're gonna ride through town

In one of those new horse drawn open cars
We'll see the shows at Delmonico's
And we'll close the town in a whirl
And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl

It then shifts to city filled of trash. The scenes turn to Wall E and Marc-E cleaning the trash while getting Away from radroach they can

They reach a tower full of trash and noticed a circle metal thing with BNL sign

Marc-E: Oh what is that?

Wall-E: a hubcap, huh?

Wall-E then finds a trapdoor that hasn't been use for centuries

Marc-E opens it for specific reason and then found 3 kids that never left earth

Marc-E: whoa. Who are you kids, and why are you still on earth?

Wall-E: I think they're uncommonness.

Marc-E: You mean they're unconscious

WALL-E: sorry I still have some g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g ggggggggggggg-glitches to iron out

Marc-E: I see but we have to take them to safety

Wall-e saw the rad roach and ashers it to come along as it when through his vents

WALL-E:houbgrnour oingionboinbtiotjpogrj

The roach sat on him

WALL-E: huh? let's go MARC-E oh don't forget the kids

They went to Wall-E trailer and open it inside there's full of Stuff

They even have 3 beds for the kids

Marc-E: Hey I remember you having a Music thingy

Wall-E: Well I love music

Wall-E turns to see Esther and her bunny were glowing purple and gold

Marc-E: whoa... Also about that it's um. Hello Dolly? That one

Wall-E: Uhh Marc-E look at the girl with purple jumper and her plushie

Marc-E: oh dear.

Wall-E: I think she's a goddess from here in centuries. And she uses power on me that I'm no longer glitching now.

Suddenly a alert came which dust storm is coming

Wall-E: Marcy (Marc-E) CLOSE THE DOOR!!!!!

Marc-E quickly pushes the button and door is closing a cockroach came near the door


the cockroach gets inside of trailer

The door fully closes

WALL-E puts the roach in a cookie WALL-E & MARC-E curled up into a box & heads to sleep

The next morning after the dust storm

Wall-E and Marc-E were low on power

Marc-E: ugghhh. *Slowly wake up*

Wall-E: agh ohhhb anrgg

They went outside to recharge for solar and they fully recharge

That's when Esther Hopp finally wakes up

Marc-E: hmm? Oh you finally awake

Esther: Yeah but who are you too?

Marc-E: Marc-E

Wall-E: W-Wall-E

Isaac: I see... What happened?

Esther: Isaac! You scared me

Isaac: Sorry heheh

Hopp: Can anyone hear me!

No response

Esther: Mr Hopp?!?!

Marc-E: Who?

Esther: My plushie monster ...

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