mine - 01

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As I settled onto the cozy living room couch, I brought along a bowl of freshly popped popcorn, eager to finally watch a movie I had been longing to see.
Suddenly, a distinct sound echoed through the room—a subtle click. In a swift motion, the door swung open, revealing the figure of my boyfriend standing at the threshold, surprising me with his unexpected arrival.

Surprised and a bit uneasy, I couldn't help but question him, "Weren't you planning to stay at your place today?" My words carried a tinge of discomfort.

His response carried a hint of sarcasm, his voice dripping with playful mockery, "Well, well, what a warm welcome from my beloved girlfriend, huh?"

"I... I'm sorry. It's just that..." I began, trying to find the right words to express my unease. However, before I could continue, he interrupted me, his voice tinged with a hint of insecurity,

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

I gazed at him, my discomfort evident in my eyes. Gathering my thoughts, I stood up and took hesitant steps toward him, enveloping him in a hug. His arms encircled me, but despite the physical closeness, my heart remained untouched by the warmth of love.

Lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but question why I had stayed with him for so long. Perhaps it was the grip of fear that held me back—the fear of being hurt, for I had witnessed him do far worse things than I cared to remember.

"Oh God... Aether..."

The memories of that dreadful day rushed back, overwhelming me with their intensity. In that moment, I crumbled to the ground, still within the confines of his arms. The uneasiness within me grew exponentially, a nagging feeling urging me to escape from his presence as soon as possible.

As he gazed at me, concern etched on his face, he inquired, "What's wrong?" Yet, deep down, I could sense that he saw my vulnerability as nothing more than a pathetic display, failing to comprehend the turmoil brewing within me.

"I... I'm okay, babe," I stammered, forcing a smile as I tried to dismiss my distress. "Make yourself at home." Stepping away from his arms, I quickly shifted my focus towards preparing snacks for him, hoping to create a facade of normalcy, despite the growing urge to distance myself from the situation.

With an exasperated eye-roll, he settled onto one of the chairs in the dining room, his impatience evident in his gaze fixed upon the back of my head. I hurriedly finished preparing the snacks, feeling his intense stare piercing through me.

Finally, I served a plate filled with delicious snacks that I had discovered in the pantry, hoping to distract him momentarily from the tension that lingered between us.

I sat down across from him, noticing the annoyance in his gaze as he looked at me. However, he abruptly requested that I sit next to him.

Reluctantly, I complied, moving to sit beside him. In an attempt to ease the tension that hung heavily between us, I leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder, I had hoped that this gesture would dissipate some of the unease and create a more comfortable atmosphere.

However, much to my dismay, his annoyance only grew stronger. He insisted that I sit on his lap, a request that made me deeply uncomfortable. In an attempt to respectfully decline, I started to get up from my seat. Regrettably, before I could fully rise, he firmly gripped my wrists, pulling me forcefully into his lap. The sudden motion caught me off guard, leaving me feeling vulnerable and unsettled.

a / n :

i'm writing this on a school night at 9pm, so sleepy, i'll be continuing this chapter tomorrow morning.

mine // scaramouche x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now