"Im going back home. The house is yours uncle, sell it, burn it, do what you want with it just get it off my hands. You know where to reach me if anything comes up. Come visit me sometime, my apartment door is always open to you - Y/N"

No, she's gone. How am I supposed to find her now?


I was doing great honestly. I'd dragged myself into my bed after laying on the floor sobbing for a couple hours. Spanish music hits better when you just got fucked over. All the songs feel personal like they were written just for you and your current situation. At least I was suffering in my own home I guess.

My powers were a mess. I wasn't angry anymore but four of my spider legs refused to go away. I put my glasses on cuz my vision was fucked and I was ordering take out since that's what depressed people do. I heard a knock at my door which I reluctantly got up to answer. My four legs just dragged behind me which was even more annoying cuz they were actually kinda heavy. I opened the door just a crack to reveal the delivery guy.

"Here's your food miss," the guy beamed. Well at least someone's in a good mood. "Thanks," I almost whispered. I took the food and sat at my table feeling even more depressed and shitty. I took out my ramen and slurped the warm noodles. "Ahh it's spicy."

Wait. I'm Mexican, this isn't supposed to be spicy. See Miguel can slut shame me and make me feel shitty but making me weak to spiciness is where I draw the line. "Alright legs that's enough," I declare causing my legs to slowly decay. "You know what I'm gonna go on a run. Fuck Miguel, fuck depression, I'm gonna go blow it off with a good 5 mile run." I changed into a sports bra and running shorts taking my phone and earbuds with me. I locked the door behind me and made my way outside. Run BTS started blaring through my earbuds setting the perfect mood. I smiled and took off.

One hour later....

I burst through my apartment door feeling accomplished and empowered. "That's right, I just did that!" I smiled at my achievement and flicked on the lights revealing an unexpected guest.

"Oh my god congrats! What did you just do again?" Gwen clapped unsure as to why I was celebrating. "Gwen!" I laughed running to give her a hug, "I just ran five miles!"

"Willingly?" She questioned, "like isn't that straight up torture?" I chuckled, "I mean yea but it makes me feel invincible like 'holy shit I just ran five whole miles and didn't die' kind of accomplished."

"I mean you do you I guess, as long as you're feeling amazing I'm here for it. But anywaysss I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"Wait. How did you find me?" the realization hit me. No one should know where my apartment is. "Oh yea I may or may not have hacked into your watch to find out where you were," she confessed awkwardly, "I'm so sorry I just panicked cuz you weren't at home and when I saw your location was in California I freaked out and thought maybe you got kidnapped or something! I'm sorry I won't do it again," she apologized.

Honestly she was so real for that. She went out of her way to make sure I was okay. "Thank you Gwen. I've never had someone worry about me like you have. I guess Im just not used to having a good friend." She smiles and we hug one more time before pulling out the ramen I'd perviously put in the fridge. We heated it up and enjoyed it while watching a movie on Netflix. This was nice.

A few hours later Gwen ended up leaving but promised to visit again soon. I bid her goodbye and turned on some music in the living room while I went to go shower. The warm water helped me relax and clean off the sweat from my run. Once I'd finished, I slipped into some soft shorts and a cropped tank top. It felt amazing being in the comfort of my home. I headed toward the living room to turn off the sound system and head to bed. It was dark since I'd turned off the lights earlier but easily reached the console, bringing the music to an end. I turned around and felt a familiar presence in front of me. It can't be. I flung a web at the light switch across the room and revealed the figure hidden in the dark.

"I'm sorry amor."

"Why the fuck are you here," I sighed not in the mood to here his sorry ass excuses.

"I came here to apologize because what I said to you was bullshit and uncalled for. I wasn't thinking and said the opposite of what I wanted to tell you. I don't expect you to believe me but can you please give me the chance to tell you how I feel?" His expression looked honest but I don't know if I really want to listen to some bullshit right now. But maybe he'll leave if I let him.

"Whatever, say what you have to say," I groan.

"I fell in love once, her name was Dana and let's just say things didn't particularly end well between us. She meant the world to me and when it fell apart I genuinely thought I'd never love again. And I know that love at first sight thing is probably bullshit but I think that's the only way to describe what I feel for you. And even if it isn't love yet, I know I want you in my life, and I want to support you and never hurt you again. What I said is unforgivable but I'm still here letting you know, I love you."

Well shit, that's really touching. But still.

I let out a long sigh before speaking. "Look Miguel, I appreciate the fact that you came and apologized and all but now that you've given your take on relationships and love, let me tell you mind. I lived with my parents before they died and I always felt trapped and wanting to go out and have fun. I met a guy who I thought I loved. He took me out on picnics, he made me feel special, and he never asked for anything in return. It was all just too good to be true and one day, he finally asked me for something back. We were out late one night, my parents were out of town so I took the opportunity and spent the night at his place. We were watching a movie when he suddenly started kissing me, not like he usually did, it was rough and lustful. He asked me if we could 'do it' and I told him I didn't really want to. He guilted me by saying he never asked for anything and he deserved to have me at least once and being as gullible as I was, I let him. The next day I woke up hearing him brag to his friends over the phone how he'd finally gotten me under the sheets..."

I paused remembering how filthy I'd felt that day, "he fucked me over Miguel. And I never approached another man again... until you. So-" I was cut off by Miguel who was down on his knees hugging my legs with tears streaming down his face. "I deserve no forgiveness for the pain I've put you through, I'm so sorry you had to experience that Y/N, and I'm even more sorry I made you experience it again, you deserve the world. To think I made you feel like you were any less than a queen is something I'll never forgive myself for." He broke down and whispered strings of 'Im sorrys'.

Fuck, seeing a grown man cry is the most heartbreaking sight in the world. I sigh reaching a hand into Miguel's soft brown locks. He looks up to face me with tear-soaked eyes.

"I forgive you Miguel."

That's the hardest decision I've made today, but also the most relieving. He stares at me confused, "But why? I don't deserve forgiveness from you angel."

"I feel something for you too Miguel, it may not quite be love but I think I'd be a lot happier with you by my side than having a heavy heart every time I think about you. Now come on," I get him to stand and flick the lights off before leading him to my bedroom. I close the door behind us and pull him into my bed with me.

I pull him close and feel him hum in content. There's still several bumps we'll have to encounter but right now, there's nothing I wouldn't give to stay like this. Miguel runs his talons softly over my head, lulling me to sleep. The last thing I hear before drifting off is, "gracias preciosa ."


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