"Am I not allowed to come home?"

"Well, I figured you wouldn't come home since you started that stupid mission."

"It's not a stupid mission." Jade tried defending herself, but it didn't last that long.

"Listen, I don't need things going south and them showing up here. Don't come back until you are done with- Whatever it is you are doing." He walked over and opened the door, and pushed her out.

"I don't want to stay the night in hotels anymore-" Jade said before having the door slammed in her face.

Jade decided to visit the penthouse she was in two days ago.

The elevator took her to the correct floor. A loud ding rang through the building. She saw the building reasonably light. Jade carefully walked over to Jaycee's bedroom. She peeked inside the door to see her asleep with her boyfriend. She carefully shut the door and turned around. She was heading towards the bar that connects to Astarte's bedroom. The door was open, and she could hear a fan running. She peeked inside to see Astarte cuddling with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was awake. He had his arms wrapped around her. He pointed towards her revolver, which was inches away from her head. He whispered to her.

"What do you want? It's like 3 in the morning."

"I need somewhere to stay.." Jade whispered while analyzing what she could see in the darkroom

"Give me a second. Stand away from where she can see you. Go sit down on the couch."
Jade stepped out of their room and sat down on the couch.

"Where are you going?" Astarte said in a sleepy voice.

"A glass of water," Neorch said before giving her a kiss

"Can I have one too?"

"Yes, moonlight," he said, carefully shutting the door. Jade saw Neorch wearing a tank top and sweatpants.

"What are you talking about, a place to stay? What happened?"

"My boyfriend kicked me because he found my gun," Jade sighed, attempting not to be caught in a lie.

"We have a spare bedroom? It's on the other side of the penthouse, though." Jade nodded.

"Or you can sleep on the couch right here if you wanna be closer to your boss."

"Also, you're lucky I trusted my gut. The elevator ding woke Astarte, but I told her to ignore it. You almost got a cap in your ass."

"Thank you.."

"Of course." The door behind Neorch opened, and Astarte appeared in the doorway with only sweatpants and a sports bra on. You can see that she has tattoos all over her body. Usually, her uniform covers the majority of her body, from her arms and even her hands, so you never see her tattoos. She was wearing a chain that complemented her chest. There were three visible hickeys on her chest and neck. Astarte said something in a fancy language. She almost sounded French.
He responded in the language as well. They went back and forth for a moment.

"I will. Give me a minute," he replied. He went to a closet nearby, picked up some blankets, and placed them next to Jade. "Do you need some water as well?" Neorch began to walk away from Jade, and Astarte approached and sat next to her. "Do I have to kill them?" she asked, taking Jade's hand. "Huh?" Jade was confused. "Your boyfriend.." Astarte clarified. "Oh...no," Jade responded, starting to pick at her nails.

"Child-" Astarte began to say before a faint meow from their bedroom caught her attention.

"Now, bandit is awake." Astarte got up and walked into her bedroom. Jade saw their organization emblem on her back-a cross with wings and a skull.

She must be fully committed.

She comes back moments later with the kitten. She brings a bottle up to its mouth and starts feeding it.
Neorch comes back with water.
"I'm so glad I wasn't dying," she said, as she gave the kitten a drink from the bottle. Astarte took the glass from her and handed it to Jade, warning him in a playful manner, "If this is alcohol, I know where you sleep."

Neorch began to explain that it wasn't alcohol, and how Jaycee and her boyfriend asked for water as well, but before he could finish, he was interrupted. "What? He's here?" exclaimed Astarte, placing the kitten on the floor and the bottle on the table.

As Astarte started walking towards Jaycee's room, Neorch stopped her, reminding her that she wasn't wearing a shirt. Astarte fixed her bra and said, "Forget it. I want to go back to bed. Make yourself at home, Jade. If you want, I can make Neorch sleep on the couch, and you can come to sleep with me. Either way, don't wake me up again. Are we clear?"

Neorch then reminded Astarte again, "Once again, no shirt."

"Yeah. Your acting like she's going to try to fuck me." Astarte said, rolling her eyes

"Just don't wake me up if you need anything." She patted on Jade's shoulder. Jade noticed scars all up and down her arms. She polity ignored it.

She finished giving the bandit formula and went into the dark bedroom.

"Get comfortable. Nothing huge is happening tomorrow besides maybe Astarte killing Nickolas, but that's all."

"Alright," Jade said as she put a pillow under her head and snuggled under the blanket, trying to go to sleep. However, the sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor disturbed her sleep. She opened her eyes to see Jaycee peeking into Astarte's room with her boyfriend behind her.

"I wouldn't do that. She just laid down," Jade warned.

"So, should I get him out of here now?" Jaycee asked, pushing him back.

"She already found out about him, but she's only wearing a bra and sweatpants, so she didn't want to deal with it," Jade explained.

"Neorch is hella lucky," Nickolas said, earning a smack from Jaycee.

"What! Have you seen--" Nickolas began, but Jaycee cut him off.

"Just go back to my room, bub. We will deal with it tomorrow," Jaycee said, pushing him back toward their room.

"Thanks, Jade. Goodnight," Jaycee said as Jade noticed a scar that traced across Nickolas's face. She didn't bother to respond, almost forgetting her mission.

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