chapter 69: fragments

Começar do início

Astrid sighed. "fine. But if you don't know what to do look for me." Astrid pointed a stern finger to Emmet. Emmet nodded, determined.

"Alright then! Now let's go get some money." Emira rubs her hand greedily. We laughed, that was so damn comical.


"now let me help you with that miss." I sweetly smiled to the old lady. I extended my arms to her, she hands me the box.

"oh you're such a sweet for a pirate." The old lady cooed. Unaware that as she gave that to me, her golden bracelets were already gone.

"of course, not all pirates are bad." I humbly gave a small shrug. Knowing damn well I just stole possibly the last of the woman's expensive property.

The rest of the day went with the same routine. Help some people, steal some people. It kind of helped me doing our usual routine for once these past few months.

Daratrine even slid by and stole something for a soldiers pocket as I was trying to distract him first. Smart ass cheater.

I plop down on the floor with a satisfying sigh. Legolas catches sight of me and smiles, sitting down besides me. "tired?"

I laugh, rubbing my eyes. I take my hat off and put my head on his shoulder. "you have no idea."

Legolas gave a sympathetic laugh and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "you need a rest. We all need one."

I kiss his neck. He was right, it was obvious in everyone's faces they're all exhausted. Especially the kids. They looked terrified. But then again, amongst all these obvious pain and crumble of the exterior of gondor, there were still little things that stayed alive.

A daisy blooms in between the pavement cracks, its white petals soaking in the afternoon sun. Everytime people would walk through the pavement their body does not harm the living plant in any way. Some don't even notice the daisy, but their bodies could feel the presence of another living thing and decided to let it live.

Me and Legolas stayed there for a while, I didn't care if my enemies or associates saw me in his arms like this. I deserve to be loved for once.

Unfortunately we couldn't stay like that forever. At some point we had to help, and I needed to beat my crew. I've only gotten forty nine pockets picked so far.

Night soon fell, Legolas stayed outside to help the citizens. I figured I'd go to the houses of healing, Astrid's expertise is needed most there. I could brag to her about my score too.

The house was lit as much as it could, though most of the light came from the moon. It's blades shining in through the windows.

I saw Astrid tending to an old man, his family all beside him. The old man's granddaughter, I presume, clasped Astrid's hands. She shared her gratitiude to her, crying tears of joy. 

Astrid looks into her eyes with sympathetic joy the whole time the girl gave her thankful speech to her. She was resisting tears from coming out, I could see it. I'm glad that I helped her escape from that terrible marriage of hers. Now she could finally do what always wanted to.

I turn to leave from this house, there was nothing to steal from anyway. And Astrid was doing fine. I'll tell her about my score later.

"Mae!" Boromir calls, a man beside him being dragged over.

"yes? And why exactly are you dragging a poor injured man?" I raise an brow at him. The man beside Boromir had hair similar to him, the colour also dirty blond. And it was the same length.

The Pirate (a legolas x oc story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora