One Sided Love...

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Synopsis: You and Jenna have been in a secret relationship from the public since the second season of her show, Stuck in the middle. Her family and childhood friends knows and so does yours but that's about it. Recently, after her every growing fame from the Wednesday series and the Scream franchise, Jenna has been getting more distant and easily angered due to stress and overworking herself. Will she lose you after an argument or will she realize the downward spiral she's on?

It's a long one so buckle up, people!

⚠️ Talks of marijuana use (that's zaza I'm sorry I had to 😂😂) if you're not comfortable with that please leave.

No One's Pov

You're too busy talking over me to hear what I'm sayin'

It was about 8 in the morning and you and Jenna were in living room getting ready for the day..

Well more like Jenna was, she was getting her stuff ready for her busy press day, she was about to go get glamed up before one of her many interviews so she didn't have to worry about looking perfect at the moment. Not like she already doesn't.

You on the other hand were just sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee while you watched your girlfriend grab her headphones, charger, ect.

"So I have my interview's until 6 then I have dinner with the Scream cast, I might catch some drinks with Emma and Joy afterwards since they're in town and I haven't seen then since filming wrapped up in Romania-" Jenna continued to ramble on as she scurried around the living room grabbing the things she would need for the day.

You sat on your shared couch as you watch the shorter brunette do the routine you guys have found yourself in for the past close to two years.

"Babe...I know you've been busy and super over worked but our five year anniversary is in a few days and I was hoping we could go and visit our friends-" you were soon cut off by her ringtone from her manager calling her.

She answered the phone, paying no mind to your statement or your deflated, tired figured on the couch as she talked to her manager about her day.

"Okay, yeah. I'm on my way!" She hung up the phone before making her way to you and placing a half assed kiss to your cheek before you could even properly sit up to give her a goodbye kiss.

"I'll be back later, don't wait up!" Jenna called to you over her shoulder as she was already halfway out of the door.

And before you could even utter a word, your girlfriend of five years, the one you were so madly and deeply in love with it physically fucking hurt. Was gone in a blink of an eye.

"I love you too..."

You're too high to realize
I see through the smile that you're fakin'

Since Jenna was gonna be gone for the rest of the day and you didn't feel like being alone in that big house the two of you share. You decided to go and hit up the only childhood friend that lives by you, and chill.

As you pulled up to his place, you couldn't help but be filled with a sense of nostalgia.

You've known this kid since third grade, he's practically you're brother. He was the first person that you told about your relationship with Jenna when you and her decided who you should trust with the secret.

With all the problems that's been swirling in your head lately with Jenna's distance and the tension in the relationship, it'll be nice to sit down with the homie and relax.

Luminescence • Jenna Ortega imagines • (gxg)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat