"You too!" She called after me as we left the Gap.

"Thank you!" Max and El said, hugging me.

"It's no problem. Money from Christmas and when we had a garage sale." I said with a shrug and a smile.

"Sometimes, I just seriously think you're rich, Y/n." Max laughed.

"Just gotta learn to save!" I giggled.

Next, Max dragged us to Flash Studio, a photographer booth.

We took lots of pictures dressed up in denim jackets and feather boas with bulky jewelry, posing dramatically for the camera.

We each got a film with the photos and then ran to the next store.

We entered Kauffman Shoes to make El walk in heels for the first time.

In her first few steps, she toppled over. El, Max and I burst out in laughter.

When she got back to her feet, we noticed a group of girls our age staring at us with an almost disgusted look.

I recognized the curly haired one right away.

Stacey Albright.

She rolled her eyes as they all turned back around and we started to laugh again.

El then had the brilliant idea to follow them out to the food court.

We hid behind a pillar as they talked to some boy, painfully obviously flirting with him.

El flicked her head and Stacey's drink blew up all over the group.

I gasped with a laugh as they all shrieked, and I grabbed their arms. "Go, go!"

We all ran back the other way, laughing so hard our stomachs hurt.

"See? What'd I tell you? There's more to life than stupid boys." Max said to El as we ran.


Our final stop was Scoops Ahoy where Steve was still at the counter.

He raised his eyebrows in confusion at me when he saw El.

I just shrugged in response.

As he was about to give them their ice creams, Robin opened the back window.

They had their own private little conversation for a minute before wrapping it up.

Robin nodded and disappeared into the back.

"Okay, here you go." Steve said, turning back to us. "You got a Strawberry, and a (favourite ice cream flavour) and then a Vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream."

"Thanks." The three of us said, eating our ice cream.

"Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" Steve asked.

We giggled and turned around, running out.

We pushed open the doors, walking out with our ice cream.

"You wanna trade?" Max asked me, holding out her ice cream.

I waved my hand dismissively. "No im good with mine."

"El?" She asked.

"Yeah." El laughed, trading ice cream with her.

"That's ridiculous, why can't I just mow old man Humphrey's lawn?" The voice of my brother rang out.

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me." Max scoffed, turning to where the sound of his voice was.

Lucas and Mike were bickering over money and grabbing their bikes and Will looked pretty lonely in the back.

The three of us walked up to them, arms crossed.

"Isn't this a nice surprise." Max said loudly.

Michael looked up and took one look at El in her new clothes at the mall and dropped his bike out of shock. "What are you doing here?" He asked slowly.

El stared him down. "Shopping." She said simply.

"This is her new style." Max gestured to her clothes. "What do you think?"

"What's wrong with you?!" Mike whisper shouted at Max and I. "You know she's not allowed to be here."

"What is She, your Little pet?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah." El looked at me and then back to Mike. "Am I your pet?"

"What!? No!" Mike objected.

"Then why do you treat me like garbage?" She asked him.

"What?!" Mike was taken back.

"You said Nana was sick." I stepped in.

Mike's face dropped in realization before he jumped right back into the lie. "She is! She is-" he looked to Lucas for back up. "She is Sick!"

"Yes! Sick! She's sick!" Lucas lied as i scowled at him lying to my face.

"She's so sick!"

"She's super sick! That's why we're here, actually." Lucas just had to go on.

"Yeah yeah, we're shopping- not for us, but for her, for nana!"

"For Nana!"

"Also we're here to get a gift.. for you." Mike sighed. "Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you, and- i only have like 3.50 so it's hard."

"Super. Hard." Lucas stressed. "It's- it's expensive."

There was no way I was taking pity on him now after he lied to my face about Nana.

El looked at my disappointed expression before turning to Mike. "You lie."

Mike looked super guilty and was silent, so she went on. "Why do You lie?"

He looked like he was searching for the answer but he just couldn't seem to spit it out.

The bus stopped back at the mall and we knew we had to take it home.

El looked at it before stepping slowly closer and closer to Mike.

"I dump your ass." She stated plainly, which caught Max and I off guard a bit.

El swiftly turned on her heel and made her way to the bus, Max and I quickly following.

We sat down, looking to each other for a moment before laughing and all high-fiving.

Word count: 1887

Girlfriend or girl that's a friend. (Lucas Sinclair x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now