She laughed slightly. "You've never been shopping before have you?"

El shook her head.

"Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything." Max shrugged nonchalantly.

I giggled and got an idea.

"Come with me." I said, grabbing their hands and taking them in the direction of the Gap.

"Ooh, yes! Great idea!" Max squealed as we stepped into the store.

"What do I do now?" El asked as she looked around.

"Shop." I said with a smile plastered across my face.

El took off into the store, looking at all of the colourful clothes and touching everything as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

She eventually came to a stop in front of a mannequin with a sky blue button up shirt.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"How do I know... what I like?" She asked.

"You just try things on." Max told her. "Until you find something that feels like you."

"Like... me?" El asked, not fully understanding.

I nodded happily at my best friend.

"Yeah. Not Hopper. Not Mike. You." I said with a bright smile.

El's face turned excited in a matter of seconds and she began pulling things off shelves.

When she had a collection of items she liked, Max and I guided her to the change rooms.

Her first outfit was a blue top with yellow pants and suspenders. When she looked in the mirror, max handed her a yellow beret.

El took the beret and balanced it on her forehead.

"No." I said with a chuckle, adjusting the hat so that it sat in its rightful spot on her head.

She admired herself for a second, before she pulled on her suspenders and let go, sending us all into a fit of laughter.

The next outfit was a white top and matching skirt with streaks of colour everywhere. I grabbed a thick red belt and a thick yellow belt from a rack and held them up for her to choose. She picked the yellow one and I helped her put it on. Max twirled her around in circles, making her skirt flow and El nearly fell over from the dizziness.

Max and I began placing sunglasses on each othe until we each found pairs we liked.

El's final outfit was a black romper with colourful shapes all over it.

"Oh, that is definitely my favourite so far!" I said, admiring the sleeves.

We went to the checkout, El still wearing the romper and Max and I now wearing some red and yellow sunglasses.

"That'll be $37.99" The cashier said.

El's face fell a little at the price, so I butted in.

"Um, how about I just pay for it." I said, placing $40 down on the counter.

The lady obliged, taking the money and handing me my change while Max and El stood with wide eyes.

"Thank you! Have a good one!" I said, taking the bag of clothes that she handed me.

Girlfriend or girl that's a friend. (Lucas Sinclair x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now