Doll x Abused Female Reader //Wᴀʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴠᴇʀ//

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Requested by Serial_Designation_H

(Takes place during Episode 4)

[You are 'infected' - You are a Worker Drone]

{{Warning: Gore, abuse, cannibalism, angst}}

Very long Oneshot!...

The sound of a blaring alarm echoes in her ears, shaking her awake from her sleep state. Y/N switched her visor setting from alarm to optics, causing two e/c eyes to appear in her black visor. She got up from her bed, much to her displease of having to go back to school again. She sat up in bed, seeing her gloomy, metal- walled room in the same state as she left it yesterday, making her sigh as nothing had changed. Not like she was expecting something.
The Worker Drone turned her head towards her shattered mirror, where she could see just about enough of her reflection to see her abused appearance in the glass. Her screen was cracked on her right eye, leading to a small split in her white muzzle, going down her cheek. She looked down at her silver arms, scratched and slightly dented while her right hand was missing its small e/c triangle. Nothing hurt as she guessed she was used to it.
Her eyes went back to looking at her mirror which shattered further as her right eye flickered. It didn't happen before but she figured the malfunction in her display was surely just an error from the rough treatment she's been getting.
Y/N silently grunted, sliding off her bed and getting ready to head out.

Hoodie on, bag on her back, she quietly made her way to the exit and left with making a single sound to keep her father away.
Hearing the door shut behind her, she felt relief wash over her as she knew she was safe from him for the day. But school was the other problem. She wasn't really loved nor appreciated at home, and it was the same in those hellish halls of education, only there, she was the target of many.
In class, paper balls.
In the hall, shoulder.
At her locker, push.
She had no break, but she never complained. Her hooded head was always low, and her invisible tears and mental sobs were always silent.
At least she had one Drone in her surroundings that showed her some sort of 'friendliness'.

"Hey, kid. Survived the night again?"

Turning her head, Y/N's eyes were met by a pair of purple ones.

"You can say that."

She responded in nothing more than a whisper, feeling a bit secure with this teen around her.
For as long as she wants to remember, this girl has been her friend, and probably forever will be her only one. She was still nice when she wanted to be, despite her bitter and aggressive nature, but Y/N didn't really mind it.

"Uzi, mind giving Y/N some space?"

The teacher called from the front of the class, making the girl slightly perk up, her eyes darting from the Worker to the adult Drone who stared back at her. Even the h/c haired teen hadn't noticed that her classmate was leaning towards her, clearly too much to go unnoticed. Most students in the room turned to see the 'freak duo', as they called them, making Uzi sit back in her seat and Y/N lowered her head back to her desk and started randomly sketching in her notebook, getting lost in her thoughts, a place where no one could bother her. A place that felt safe, unlike most of her surroundings.
Her hand moved subconsciously, sketching whatever came to mind that represented her or what she wished for. Broken chains, black tears, dark self profile, sunny sky, thunderstorm with a torn umbrella, her error shaped in a hexagon with three arrows pointing in three different directions.
She lent no attention to her teacher, and before she knew it, the bell rung and all students got up and left. She did so too, leaving in last place as she made her way to her locker with her books in her arms.
As she walked, she felt the urge the look around, sensing the eyes or attention of another Worker fixated on her. She looked over her shoulder discreetly, seeing crowds of other teen bots. They all seemed to be minding their own business, until Y/N's visor flickered again with the 'error' flashing and glitching behind the cracked screen. In that second, her environment swapped to what she thought was an alternate universe. All eyes were on her, behind hundred of broken screens, oil dripping from their jawless mouths, missing parts, staring at her with what could be read as envy. The room became red and hot as she held a hand up to her face, covering her malfunctioning eye while her breathing became unstable, trying to convince herself that she is just imagining things that aren't actually craving for her to suffer.
Eyes with murderous intents and dismembered, disfigured Workers are all she could see around her for what felt like forever, before her visor flickered once again and her eye returned to normal, all eyes vanishing and going back to people ignoring Y/N's presence. Her heavy breathing started to die down as she told herself that there was indeed nothing wrong and that her lack of sleep must be why her systems won't work properly.
That until, before she turned back around, she made eye contact with another kid. Her hair was dark purple, long and straight, with blunt bangs, and her eyes were a warm glowing red, showing little to no emotion. Her outfit was dark red, same as her hat.
Y/N hadn't seen this girl before, but heard that she was one of the popular kids, alongside Lizzie who was apparently this girl's best friend. However, ever since prom, Lizzie has been seen alone or with a guy called Thad, no longer with her. Something must've happened during that night, but Y/N didn't stay long enough to see as simply showing up to that party felt like the embarrassment felt when one posts another's deepest secret online for everyone to see, knowing once they show up publically the next day that it's going to be a rollercoaster of shame.
The two had a distant staring contest, the girl remaining in the darkest parts of the hall, making it hard to see her, except her eyes. Her stare seemed to be transmitting some sort of message, but unable to understand what her eyes were saying, she turned back to continue her way to her locker after her right eye flickered once again to her error where the mysterious kid could see it, making her eyes go wide.
Y/N was about to start walking again until she accidentally bumped into another student hard enough to drop her books, her papers scattering and some tearing out, and let out a surprised squeak.

//Murder Drones x reader// oneshots (Still writing)Where stories live. Discover now