What was childhood like?

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Why don't we break that up into sections to make it a little clearer.

0-5 years old.

When I think of all the memories, they're mostly filled with magical fairies and exploring the woods with my cousins. Being afraid of everything. Being observant. Being innocent, but not feeling that way. I watched everything. I was shy, but I knew what was going on. I think I was a pretty smart kid, but I didn't say much. I was very jealous. I lived in an apartment. I wore a lot of leggings. I was pretty happy.


I thought I was cool until I turned 8. I was pretty content until then, but then life had to go and mess it up. I had a lot of parent crap that happened and it didn't stop til I was about 11. In school, I was a nerd. I had a couple of friends, mostly guys, but they're all gone now. Still here, but not with me. I met my best friend, who I still love and care about today. When I was 10, I started to feel the pressures of popularity and such, and I wasn't popular at all. I wore baggy jeans, and hardly ever brushed my hair. Abercrombie was introduced to my life, and I know that sounds silly, but it really did change things.  I think I was depressed at one point, but I don't remember. I was insecure, but I managed. For other reasons than school, I remember being suicidal. Or at least, I wanted to die. I don't think anyone knew that, but now you do. I'm not now, by the way, don't freak out.


 Probably when I was most insecure. I had a really weird style, but I wasn't in fashion. I remember having dreams about being popular, I wanted it. Popularity. I think I was slightly insane. On a happier note, I made a lot of my true friends, who I'm still friends with now. If you're reading this, thanks. I know I'm pretty crazy. Guys became a bigger part of my life, but I'm not sure I wanted them back. I still don't know what that means, exactly. Around this time, I was finding myself. It seems that I was growing up slower than everyone else. I wish I could've told myself: It gets better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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