willing, m/a, naga

Start from the beginning

Almond continued to make his way up his partner's body, mouth opening wider as he went. He had established a rhythm of small gulps which, little by little, pulled them further into him.

Sticks continued to lie still as their boyfriend's mouth reached nearly to their knees. It was definitely a strange sensation. They could feel themself being pulled deeper into him, an immense pressure pushing on those parts of them already inside his throat. They could tell he was being careful not to hurt them with his sharp teeth (he did occasionally nip them but rarely broke the skin), something they found rather sweet. They were also glad that he'd been so adamant about checking they still wanted this.

As their knees were pulled further into his mouth and he approached their hips, Almond decided to change tactics. He unwrapped himself from Sticks' body, carefully lowering them back onto the sofa, and then positioned himself so that he was also lying down and crawling up their body. He resembled a snake even more now.

The hips were a struggle but, eventually, Almond got them through his lips (with some careful adjustments of Sticks' body and his own). A couple more laboured swallows and he could feel them going down his stretched throat. Sticks was almost halfway in now- and had still made no sort of complaint. The naga was glad. He was enjoying this.

Sticks fought to remain calm as Almond's hands moved up once again and he got a step closer to devouring them, whole and alive. They knew what would happen, they had been aware of this and even excited for it since the relationship began. However, their survival instincts had not been made aware. They looked back down at Almond and were shocked when they realised how far he'd got. A majority of their body had now been claimed by their boyfriend's.

Almond was taking bigger gulps now, pulling Sticks' stomach and then chest into him. Sticks didn't like to look. His jaw was fully unhinged now, and they found it rather disturbing. As he got closer to their neck, forcing the human's arms slightly upwards, the boy paused.

Sticks wasn't sure if he was waiting for confirmation, but decided to give it anyway. They (with some difficulty) met his eyes, and began to speak.
"I promise, I want this nearly as much as you do. Hope you enjoy it."

Almond appreciated this final goodbye, especially glad that his meal had reaffirmed their decision. As he swallowed again he felt his lips pass over Sticks' own, then their nose, and eventually seal their entire head inside. Their arms were still hanging out of his mouth, but it wouldn't be long now.

The arms were easy (being much thinner than the rest of their body). Almond felt more and more of his partner disappear into him, until eventually only the tips of their fingers were left in the open air. He reached up to stroke them in lieu of being able to say anything. He then carefully sucked the digits in. One more strong gulp and the entirety of Sticks' body had been pulled down his throat, completely sealed within him. He put a hand on his chest, feeling them complete their journey.

Their heartbeat was still distinct, their heat warming him from the inside. He hoped it wouldn't be too painful for them. With any luck they would drift off peacefully, losing consciousness to the low oxygen levels inside him.

Sticks felt their fingers pulled through the tight ring of muscle at the start of Almond's throat, having now lost all contact with the world outside of their boyfriend's digestive tract. They continued to be moved deeper until they finally came to a stop in what they assumed to be the stomach in his lower body.

It wasn't the nicest place they could be. They were pressured and squeezed from every direction, thoroughly moistened by saliva and stomach acid and who knew what else. The temperature was somewhat of a pleasant surprise though- they had expected it to be stiflingly, unbearably hot. Thinking on it, they realised that his being cold-blooded was likely why it was slightly cooler.

Almond ran a loving hand along his scales, feeling the thicker section of his lower half where his willing meal now resided, but paused as he felt a movement inside. Were they not so willing after all? But no- Sticks wasn't fighting desperately to escape, having changed their mind. They seemed to simply be shifting to a more comfortable position.

He lay there for a long time, stroking the life enclosed in him and occasionally whispering to them about how good they were doing and how grateful he was.

Eventually, the boy felt the second pulse within him flutter and, rapidly, fade away. The person he had loved and been loved by for the last few months was gone, just like that. He stood and stretched then- he hadn't wanted to make his partner's final moments uncomfortable.

Over the next few days his body would work on theirs, breaking them down and digesting them until not even their bones remained. He wouldn't have to eat again for a while- but it was probably time to download that dating app again.

(Please let me know if there are any specific types of vore stories you would like to read/think I should write)

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