02: Birdies

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Hawks land before the cafe; the sun was setting, but it was only 4 pm. He enters and to his delight, he sees [reader] at the counter. There was a small line, and his appearance caused a stir.

Everything came to a halt. Their eyes were glued to him. He took a breath in.


It felt like the entire cafe screamed his name. Every customer from the oldest to the youngest swarmed him. Girls fought their way to him, to touch him, to simply smell him.

[reader] watches on with amusement. It took him a while to shake the girls off of him. They were adamant about trying to talk to him.

"Having fun hero?" She tease as Hawks approached the counter. He shot her a playful glare.

"Vanilla latte," he states with a smile.

Some people have little respect for others, and super fans are one of those. All the young girls had their phones out taking photos and videos of the winged hero. Hawks is used to it.

"Here you go darling," she smiles.

"Thank you, sweetheart," he teases. The two checked each other out, gauging who would win this battle.

"When is your exam?" Hawks asks as he sips on the latte, it needed more sugar for his liking.

"Next Monday."

"What is it for?"

"To see if I can become a teaching assistant," she smiles. Hawks's eyes widen, he was right [reader] is very ambitious.

"Will you quit being a barista?" Hawks asks the inflection in his voice dropping.

"Why? Are you sad?"

"Would you be happy if I said yes?" He cocks his head and smirks. [reader] rolls her eyes.

"Probably, depends on how fast I can find a school that wants me as a teaching assistant, don't worry I'm teaching others to replace me; you'll get your perfect Mocha." She winks at him.

"What school do you wish to be a teaching assistant?"

"...Any that needs me," she smiles. She already had one lined up for her, they like to have her back. It was not necessary though, it was another lifetime ago.

"Well, good luck." They were left in silence. He took a few more sips of coffee courage. He could feel her eyes on him, waiting, expecting. He leans in and turns away from his female fans.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asks in a low husky tone. Her lips twitched and she slightly chuckles and looks down, shaking her head. His heart drops slightly.

"Oh? Does little hero boy want me?" She arches her brow a smirk on her lips.

"If you're willing," he sighs with a small smile.

"What should I name you?" She asks shaking her phone side to side.

"Whatever you like sweetheart," he teases. She giggled to herself and he felt his wings shutter at her angelic laughter.

[reader] look down at her phone, she had looked up the ugliest photo of him the media had taken. She could tell it was him mid-sneeze. His wings were ruffled out, face contorted in a hideous grimace, eyes half closed. It was ridiculous, as ridiculous as his name. Patrick Bateman.

"What so funny?" The young hero's noisiness got the better of him. She turns her phone around. His face fell.

"That is a hate crime!" He states with fake offended emotions. Her laughter grew louder as his face slightly lightened up, seeing her laugh fueled him. He had no idea that photo of him existed, nor did he realize just how stupid it made him look.

"Change my photo!" He pleads trying to take the phone from her.

"But you said anything darling," the purrs his words back to him. His face flush and he begins to pout.

[reader]'s eyes widen his expression is quite captivating, he looks so... adorable. She quickly took a photo of the expression, before showing it to him.

"Better, dear?" It was a photo of him pouting, like a petulant child. It was still funny but at least it wasn't a photo where he was off guard. He took the phone to write in his number—

"Patrick Bateman! Really!" She giggles again seeing him getting all worked up again.

"This isn't Patrick Bateman! This is— this—" his words are lost in thoughts.

"Your right let me change it." She plucked her phone out of his hands and changed it. She hands it back to him. He stared at it dumbly, then at her. She smiles innocently as if she didn't insult him this time too.

"I— why?" He finally asks.

"Why not?"

"How am I an Egg?" She looked him up and down before giggling.

"You embody Egg." She said nodding.

"..." he playfully glared at her before a sly smirk formed on his lips. Two could play this game. It took him five minutes.

"Here you go," he shows his phone after a few minutes.


[reader] looked at him confused. She didn't care for the fact the hero photoshopped her face into a fat hummingbird.

"Hummingbird, why?" She asks.

"We'll, they're elegant, pretty, and delicate; like you." He shrugs nonchalantly, but his gaze were intense uncontrollable infatuation.

[reader] blinks and nods, fighting a wide smile. Her eyes fell to the side, but Hawks never let his gaze wave on her face.

"Your strange," her eyes dart to his, "little hero." She smirks eyes filled with absolute amusement. Hawks couldn't tell if she found his name for her flattering or not. Sometimes she's just too hard to read like she's reacting to things far beyond him.

"You like it?" His gaze softens and his eyes wander away, as insecurity sets in.

"It's perfect." She smiles widely her dimples popping into existence. Hawks stare at them fondly until he notices her eyes. They were... strange, distant, and gone.

"Are you ok?" He asks his brows knit together.

"Hm?" She hums her attention back to him.

"Oh, I'm fine!" She laughs swatting her hand across her face, but her eyes still concern him.

"You sure?"

"Of course, just reminiscing on a past life."

Void of Sun|| Hawks x reader x Aizawa (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now