MY PLAN WORKS! Now to try it on Second Son!

Standing up, I rush towards the door.

"Huh? Anya hey!" I hear Becky call.

Sorry Becky, I'm on a mission!

Stepping out of class, I spot Second Son with his friends. Walking in my direction.

"Careful Lord Damian! She might go all beast mode again!"

Second Son glances at me, the grip on his books tightening a bit. "What do you want..?"

Smiling proudly, I place my hands on my hips. "I got a dog."

"Ok..? I don't really see why I should care.."

My eyes widen and I fall on the floor. 'World peace is doomed...'

Sulking, I couldn't help but feel like an utter failure. How come it didn't work on Second Son?!

"Nice one Lord Damian! You showed her who's boss!" His other friend smiles.

"What..? I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.." He mutters quietly.

'I'm sorry papa... Auntie... I failed you guys-.'

"... So... What's his name..?"

Looking up, my eyes sparkle. Second Son looks away from me.

Standing up, I keep smiling until I remembered...


"N-Name..?" I ask with a nervous laugh.

Second Son rolls his eyes. "What a waste of time..." He says before walking past me towards class.

'That didn't go to well..' Feeling defeated, I enter class again and sit next to Becky.

As Y/N and I cleaned the kitchen, she didn't utter a word.

'This is bad.. If I don't help Y/N, Operation Strix will fail.'

"Hey.. Uh.. I was wondering if you wanted to.. Go out for a walk around the mall..?"

'This should work. On my previous missions, I've noticed that the women I was with would get excited at the mention of going out shopping.'

"... Oh.. I don't know..." She shrugs. "Can the dog even stay home by himself?

My eyes widen. That's definitely not the reaction I was expecting..

I'm really worried about Y/N.. Sure Operation Strix is important, but I felt that Y/N's well being was....

More important....

Finishing up cleaning the kitchen, I face Y/N in utter seriousness.

"We need to talk.."

She turns to face me wide eyed. Seconds later, her eyes water and she faces the floor. "You're finally tired of me huh..?" She choked out.

"What?" I ask clearly puzzled.

"I'm so sorry I'm not the perfect mother Anya needs in her life.. I'm a failure.." Looking up at me, tears begin rolling down her face. "If I were a proper mother, I would have never lost Anya in the first place. If I weren't such a screw up, my cooking wouldn't have made you sick.."

I felt my heart break at such the way she stood in front of me right now. Because of my mission, Y/N has been doubting her skills..

"I'm so sorry Loid.. You deserve someone better than me.."

Smiling softly, I hug her close. "Someone better than you? I don't think such a person exists. I'm really glad to have you in my life. If you walk away from this family.. Then not only will Anya be broken.. I'll feel like a part of me is missing.. Our family's perfect the way it is. You are such an amazing mother for Anya. A proper mother would look even beneath rocks until she finds her child. As for your cooking, it's improved so much. No one is born knowing how to do stuff. We all have to learn how to do things." I reassure, stroking her hair.

"If I have to keep reminding you that you're the perfect mother for Anya and the perfect person for the Forger family, then you better believe I will. Because words can't express how grateful I am to have you here Y/N."

She looks up at me, tears still going down her face. "You really mean that..?"

"Every single word.." I smile.

"Can we stay like this a little longer?" She sniffs.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy having her close to me like this...

It felt...




Closing my eyes I decided to relax in the embrace. However, the feeling of my heart pounding against my chest made my eyes shoot wide open.

In a way this reminded me of how I felt when my mom would embrace me.

But this felt different.. It was a different kind of warmth..

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