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"Oh wow the food was so good!" Alex clasps her hands together.

Facing Loid I glare at him. I don't trust this guy one bit.

'I'll make sure to uncover each and every single one of your secrets Loid Forger!' I think to myself.

"I'm glad you liked the food." Loid smiles at his sister.

Crossing my arms I keep glaring at Loid. "A lowlife like you is not worth being with my sister." I spat.

"Y-Yuri!" Y/N gasps.

Alex slams her hands in the table and stands up facing me, "YOU TAKE THAT BACK! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY BIG BROTHER LIKE THAT!"

"Yuri please!" Yor gasps.

"Alex calm down its fine." Loid says.


Alex glares at me. "Take it back."

How could such a pretty girl be related to anyone like Loid? Or what if.. She needs to be saved from Loid...?

Facing Alex I see her blushing with her blue eyes sparkling. She looked distressed. "Oh Yuri! I need a strong man to save me! Please save me from Loid! How sad that our love must be prohibited!"

Blushing I shake my head and see Alex still glaring at me. Wait a second did I just picture her saying that in my head..?

"Alex please sit down. It's fine. I completely understand how Yuri is feeling, if I were in his shoes I'd probably react the same way."

Alex immediately faces Loid. "B-But big brother!"

Loid gives her a calm look in response.

She pouts before glaring at me once more and sitting down.

"Yuri apologize." Yor and Y/N cross their arms.

I glare at my food. There's no way I'm apologizing! I don't trust this man!

"No no. Really it's alright." Loid reassured. "Alex apologize.."

The brunette spits out her drink. "SAY WHAT?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

"Your outburst was not appropriate, and it still isn't."

"Oh there's no need to apologize!" Y/N gasps. "Yuri was completely out of line in saying such a thing."

... I have a really crazy family ...

Staring at all of the adults I sweat drop when I heard Uncle Yuri's thoughts about Auntie Alex..

Patting Auntie Alex's shoulder she crosses her arms.

"There there auntie." I frown.

"Alex apologize." Papa says.

Auntie grits her teeth. Looking up at Uncle Yuri she sighs. "I'm sorry.... That you're such a jerk."

"Alex!" Papa scolds.

"He deserved it papa! He was mean to you!" I say.

Papa blushes. 'If this keeps going Operation Strix is doomed!' I hear papa think.

"Both of you behave!" Papa scolds.

"N-No they're right!" Yor says.

"Let's just forget that even happened!" Mommy smiles. 'At this rate they'll keep fighting...' I hear her think. "Who wants dessert?" She smiles.

Liar (Loid Forger x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن