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An entire week....

I have no idea what happened to my friendship with Eren.. Ever since that night at the carnival, he's distanced himself from me..

He never sent me any texts.. Nor would he answer my texts. At this point, I've been having trouble sleeping. I'd lay awake at night, waiting for him to text me, or be consumed by my thoughts..

Every morning I go to work he would always leave in a hurry without even giving me a chance to ask him why he's acting this way.

I've even asked Handler if he's said anything about me, but she always gave me the same answer.

"He doesn't talk to me about his personal life."

My lack of sleep did not go unnoticed by Twilight, Y/N, or Anya. Every time they would ask me about it I'd brush the question off.

I couldn't help but wonder.. Was Eren embarrassed about what happened at the carnival that night..? Or perhaps I did something to make him upset..?


Looking up I see one of Eren's closest friends, Armin Arlert looking at me worriedly.

"Are you ok?" He asks. "I don't really have to see your face to notice something's bothering you.." He says referring to my mask.

Looking out of the window I sigh. "I'm worried about Eren.. He's been avoiding me this whole week." I grab his shoulders. "You're one of his closest friends, please tell me.. Did I make him upset?"

Armin's eyes widen. "No of course not. To be honest, I hardly see him myself. He doesn't look too good though. He's got dark circles under his eyes and he looks very tired.."

Sighing I hug myself. "I'm so worried about him.."

Armin hugs me. "Me too, but this is Eren we're talking about. I'm sure he's fine."

Returning the embrace, I couldn't help but wonder when I would get the chance to talk to Eren..


Today Loid and I had the day off today. I couldn't help but feel my heart pound. It was just the two of us alone..

My cooking lessons with Alex have been going well so far. She's really good at explaining and incredibly patient. I made dinner yesterday, while Alex supervised my cooking. She would only step in when I'd ask her or when I was about to make a mistake.

I felt a sense of pride when Anya and Loid were eating the food and when they said how good it was.

Seeing them so happy made me be on the verge of tears.

"Good morning Y/N." Loid greets, looking up from his newspaper.

"Good morning Loid." I blush.

"I was thinking maybe we could go out for breakfast today."

"Oh sure! It's such a beautiful day today. I'll go change real quick."

Taking a drink from my f/d I look up at Loid. "The food here is amazing. How did you find this place?"

"Alex recommended this café when she first came to live with us. We've sort of made it our spot for lunch." Loid smiles.

"Have you thought about what Anya said this morning?" I ask.

"Papa I want a dog!" Anya smiles.

"A dog? Why?" Loid asks.

"I want someone else to play with.."

Liar (Loid Forger x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now