That night we cuddle as we kept discussing the room and names for our baby. We even had a gender-biased argument because I so desperately wanted a girl whereas my wife wanted to be a guy mumma first.

She did get what she wanted. The very next day we went for a checkup and got to know that there were two fetuses safely embedded in her womb.

Trysta cried while I was fucking overwhelmed with emotions. And when Dad and my brothers got to know about this news, they were so ecstatic that they kept surrounding my wife the whole day and didn't even let me sit beside her.

That was the day when I finally went to my father and talked to him about my emotion and fears. That night I finally felt the wall between us crumbling down as he consoled me and helped me to sort out my emotions.

His talks calmed down my fears and my overwhelming emotions. That was the very first night when I get to sleep peacefully because of my father.

With our other appointments, we got to know that we are having twin boys. I couldn't fucking believe that. I mean after having twin younger brothers, I was not at all ready to be a father of another brat species.

I would have been so much happier if I could have twin daughters, just replicas of my beautiful wife.

But still despite the gender I love my brats who have yet to grace us with their presence. However, we are not spared from their brat-like tantrums.

Trysta never had morning sickness unlike most of the pregnancy, but she always gets consistent back pain and a lot of kicking. It is so much and so hard that sometimes Trysta ends up crying hard.

I wonder if they both are already fighting with each other.

Dealing with a pregnant with is no joke. During this pregnancy Trysta has become more demanding, manipulative, moody, seductive, and oh so fucking hot.

Her cheeks have become plump and full. Her ass cheeks too I might add. Her breast has got fuller so has her whole body. She has gained weight and I can't complain to have a more beautiful wife.

However, dealing with her terrible mood swings and weird food cravings has always kept all of us on our toes.

Bryson and Braydon are not spared from being the victim of their BFF's wrath.

Trysta has given them a tough time too. When I am not around, it's them who would fulfill her carvings and take her mood swings which come with a few punches here and there. They are pretty painful I must add.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard my wife groaning. I scrunched my nose when I felt wetness over my legs which were between Trysta's legs as she was comfortable sleeping while hugging my legs between hers.

"ohh shit shit shit..." I cursed panicky when I realized her water broke.

"Ahh..." she again groaned and opened her eyes.

"Baby. Trysta. Shy it's ok love," I consoled her and myself too.

I quickly got up from the bed and helped her to sit down while leaning her body on the headboard.

I called Braydon and told him to get our car out. I was helping Trysta to stand up when our bedroom door burst open and came in my half-naked brothers.

"Holly shitt!
Jesus Christ!
Are babies coming out?
Let's get her into the car fast,"

they both blabbered and tried to come near my wife.

"what the fuck is wrong with you guys? How could you just barge into my room? And why you guys are fucking naked? Go and get dressed!"

Xavier's Trysta |18+|✔️Where stories live. Discover now