↳ Bliss

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AN: this was originally going to be a Valentine's oneshot, but after talking with lemonlover1110 and ayyy_pee about the idea, they convinced me to make it a short series. If you haven't read any of their works, check them out, they're amazing authors!

AN2: this story starts off with immediate nsfw content


"Fuck, you taste so good."

"Satoru, please," you're whining, both hands tangled in his snowy white locks, his face buried in the apex of your thighs, the place he's been for the majority of the past weekend.

The ring on your left hand shines and gleams from the sunlight filtering in through the partially closed curtains, rainbows from the diamond fractals bouncing off the walls and ceiling each time your hand moves.

One of his arms is wrapped around your thigh, holding you in place while he curls the two fingers inside you, running them along the soft spot that's making your legs tremble.

You're arching your back, grinding your hips against his tongue, eyes squeezed close as the knot in your stomach grows tighter and tighter with each passing second.

He watches the way your stomach clenches each time he flicks his tongue over your clit, just the way he knows you like it, and feels the grip in his hair tighten as you try to push his face closer to your core for more stimulation.

And he does just that, because how could he deny you when you've been so good to him over the years, your lives falling in line with one another when you both least expected it.

He never thought his life would turn out this way, the two of you friends turned lovers, now engaged to be married. He never thought he'd take on a wife, or have a family of his own when he has the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

But here you are, chest heaving as you reach your climax, his name reverberating off your shared penthouse walls as you moan deliriously into the open space. The swells of your breast shine from the sunlight peeking into the bedroom, engulfing you in a halo of light so bright you look ethereal.

Satoru moans too, because you're so sweet, he can never get enough, licking through your slick folds as he removes his fingers, placing a quick kiss on your pussy before sucking his finger clean.

You're panting, trying to catch your breath after such an intense release. Satoru lifts himself off the bed, placing a soft kiss on the plush skin of both your thighs before sucking and nipping at the skin on your hips, stomach, and through the valley of your breasts.

He settles himself between your legs, rolling his hips into yours. You gasp as his clothed cock nudges your sensitive clit causing him to chuckle. Tweaking and pinching one nipple with his fingers, he slips the other in his mouth, rolling this tongue over the hardened bud.

Satoru watches you with sparklingly blue eyes as you wriggle under him, moving your hips up to meet his.

"We're going to be late for work," you manage to gasp out.

He hums in acknowledgment not really caring one way or another if he's late to his class, his students all know him well enough by now to be aware he's never going to show up on time, a fact you're painfully aware of too. Your students, however, are going to ask a million questions as to why you're late.

"Really want me to hurry?" He asks, voice low, gravelly with need slipping his briefs down while turning you over so you're on all fours, slapping your ass. You're gripping the cashmere sheets below, he's running his cock through your folds, circling your clit. He's waiting for an answer, but all that's coming out are broken whimpers.

In Another Life || Gojo Satoru & Geto SuguruTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang