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"It will come when your heart is ready to carry it

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"It will come when your heart is ready to carry it."

Amelia groaned pulling up the sheets up her face when the light from the sun illuminated the room coming from the window, falling on her face. She clearly  remembered closing the curtains before going to sleep. She was still half asleep when she turned on her bed and saw a figure sitting on her bed, watching her. All the sleepiness quickly went away and she became alarmed. Out of reflex, she grabbed the thing closest to her (which was an empty vase, don't ask her why it was there on her bedside table) ready to attack her potential attacker.

She stopped mid-way, squinting her eyes to get a better look who shielded themselves before they became a victim of being hit in the head with an empty vase.

"Amelia stop!" The person gasped.

"Grandma? What are you doing in my room so ear-" she glanced at the clock and stammered (it was not early), "so- um like that and why did you open the curtains?"

"I came to wake you up but when I saw you looking so peaceful I couldn't resist myself but to watch you sleep," Polly, her grandmother, replied.

"That is so creepy," she grimaced, putting the vase back.

"It's not creepy. It's sweet and maternal," Polly defended herself.

"Whatever you say grandma," Amelia rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"Now get up and get ready!" These words just got a loud groan as a response as the black haired girl fell back on the bed on her face. She shrieked when her grandmother pulled the sheets from her abruptly making her fall from the bed and onto the wooden floor. She was so tempted to fall back asleep there if it weren't for her grandmother. God save her.


"Any letter from mum, dad or Alex?" Amelia asked as she sat down at the breakfast table with her grandparents. It had become a ritual for them to hear this question everyday. Sometimes it was gloomy because there wasn't any letter and some days it was filled with joy as there were actually letters. However, the anticipation of what the contents of the letter informed her always stayed.

Her father, Michael Cooper, was a soldier and went away to war to fight for his country. Amelia was twelve when he went away. It was not uncommon for him come back and visit his family, but as time went by and the war situation worsened so did his visiting situation. She felt bad enough that her father wasn't there for her, she loved him a lot. Her father was always the person to encourage her to go for things and not feel afraid. He was one who convinced her to pick up fencing at school because she really wanted to and not care about what other people thought. She could proudly say that her father helped her shape into the person she is today. She didn't feel angry with her father when he went. She understood that he was doing this for a reason, she had to admit it took some time but yes eventually.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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