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I don't know if the story is getting uninterested or not but I can analyse the reduction of comments and votes .
. anyway,

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Rocky with utmost care pressed Reena onto the mattress .

Rocky checked her temperature which was rising by each second and glanced at her wet dress.

"I have called the doctor she must be here in half and hour " tej informed and Rocky nodded

Tej noticing Reena's tight fist untied it to find a photo .

Rocky finding him staring at it confusing peeped into it and understood the reason for his Sona's situation "it's her father" tej peered at him finding a new information .

"could you please call Maya ma here "

"Maya has went to her village she would only return tommorow ."

"Then call someother female staff  "

"No one stays here overnight"

Rocky sighed and  stared at the old man who understood what he meant and left the room .


" Mr sen . She fall cos of multiple reasons . Mainly of her mentality . she is weak haven't she take her food today ? "

" she avoided her lunch and was about take her dinner and that's when this happened ." Tej replied.

" Anyway I have given her needed treatment . Her temperature might reduce  by taking proper medical records".

"Let her rest for now " the doctor voiced out as she caught rocky settling beside her .


"Rocky , don't think that am trying to manipulate you but for my daughter . I should say this. Can you just rub off all the things away from your mind and lead your life like you were leading....." Rocky turned his eyes onto the old man .

" like we all were leding a normal life even you were . And you believed Reena , you child to be dead then also you lived your life by yourself . But now I know after knowing all, you will take reena with  you and won't leave us for snatching your wife . So why can't you leave and let us all led a normal life."

"Who said I had a normal life and who said she had normal one. I have suffered mentally  without my sona and I can't take it more and about her, I very well know that she would have constantly had  to go through this situation ." He said pointing towards reena who was in a deep slumber.

"Like this , mentally suffering from her past and present " Rocky gritted his teeth and tej kept mum knowing his tone change .

"How did Sona end up having a memory loss when she got shot at her waist." He asked making .


After 2 months

"Ahh " reena stirred from her sleep which she fell from the last 2 months .

Trying vigorous hard she managed to sit on the bed and looked around to find an unknown place.

Remembering her past her hand clutch her belly which had nothing but she feeled a huge scar .

Tears shrined as a thought of losing her child .

But where she is ?

Where is he?

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