Chapter 2 ⚠️

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**AN: This chapter has mentions of rape and death, but doens't show the flashback.**

Marcel POV

As soon as I walked into my math class, I was ushered back out. Apparently, an alpha went into a rut and tried to attack an omega. I always feel bad for them, seeing as most alphas who either don't have a mate yet or are dating a beta end up hurting themselves as well as some poor omega.

"Is everybody okay, Mrs. Rolendas?" I asked my English teacher, I was very worried for the sake of all of the people in the room. Cases like this, where an alpha or omega goes into a rut or a heat during school hours are excruciating for everyone.

"Yes, Marcel," she tells me, while pushing me away from the classroom. "I need you to back away, I don't want any omegas going into a heat and making it worse."

I quickly nod, and back away to where the other omegas are. The pheromones coming from the alpha are making it hard for me to maintain a calm and stable composure, so I put on my mask. It helps me a little bit, so I give some to the others. I hope it helps them as much as it helps me.

"Thank you," I hear someone say after a little bit. I look at them with a confused look. "For the, uh, mask, I mean."

"Oh, you're welcome." I reply, with a small smile on my face.


"That was a hell of a commotion," my friend, Alan, says to me. They laugh a bit, before continuing. "Honestly, they need to start putting suppressants in, like, the bathrooms or something."

"Suppressants in the bathrooms would be cool, but they have them in the nurse's office, Alan." I reply, chuckling.

"Yeah." he says, now he's frowning. "You wanna know something?"

I nod. "My brother got killed by an alpha once." he tells me, and I gasp.

He continues on, "Yeah, he was an omega, and the alpha went into rut. The alpha was 27 and he was only 11. His body wasn't ready, so when the alpha attacked him, his spine snapped. They couldn't save him."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say to them, "Are you okay?"

He nods, and he looks like he was gonna say something, but the bell rings so we pack up and head to our next class.

Jaspr POV

As I'm driving to my anger management classes, I can't help but smell a somewhat nasty smell. This kind of smell I've smelt far too often, something very familiar to me. Alcohol. I think to myself, my mom became a raging alcoholic once my dad died. She was never abusive when she drank, just sad, and she always tried to protect us from seeing her drink and smoke but being werewolves, we could smell it. The smell was strong and disgusting, but we pushed through it.

Oscar, make sure you give mom her medicine. I tell him through the mind link. I know, I know. I already gave it to her, and she's doing fine, you don't have to worry.. He replies.

Ever since she got alcohol poisoning, I've been going crazy over her safety. I don't want to lose her too.


"Ah, hello, Jaspr!!" the receptionist says as soon as she sees me. I nod at her and give her a small smile, but I smell something off-putting emitting from her. "Suppressants, and go home please." I tell her and she immediately packs up while dialing her boss.

I continue down the hall, open the door labeled 'Mr. Darryl Wikovitch', and walk in. "Hello, Mr. Wisbell," he says to me. "How are we doing today?"

"Worried." I say, I wasn't one to talk to much, mainly because I don't like speaking English as much. I usually just say 1 word sentences and responses, sometimes longer.

"Why?" he asks me.

"Receptionist. Heat." I reply

"I see. Did you tell her?"

"Yes. Called her boss as she left."

"Good boy. Take a seat and I'll get you a treat."

I sat down in my usual spot, and he hands me a bowl of spicy enoki mushrooms. They're my favorite kind of mushrooms, especially seeing as they're the only mushrooms I eat.

I haven't had them in a while, so I immediately started digging in. I was in my own little world until Mr. Wikovitch asks me a question.

"How's your mother doing?"

"Good." I say, with my mouth full.

"Bad," he tells me and I tilt my head. "Finish what you're chewing before talking."

I finish chewing before replying to his question again. "Good, she's good."

"That's good. Now I need you to think of anything you would consider angering."

I set down my bowl and try to think of that thing.

I think of how my dog got put down because some lady accused him of biting her child, and start growling.

"Good. Now try to turn that anger into something less." he tells me, and I try to do as he says but it's not working. I continue growling but it slowly gets louder.

"Mr. Wisbell." he warns, slowly standing up.

I try again, and this time it kind of works. My anger slowly turns into sadness as tears pour down my cheeks.

Salem POV

It wasn't long till everyone heard about the fight. Or how Trojan Millers had stood up to one of the most important people in the school. I had honestly expected it but not this suddenly. I was sitting in my seat when a girl walked in. I'd never seen her before so I assumed that she was new. But I gotta say, she was hot. Like an innocent hot.

I wipe the imaginary drool from my face while she walks past me and takes a seat behind me. As a secret raging lesbian, and a little bit of a pervert, I was ecstatic, "Hey, are you new here this year?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she replies, her voice cold. I was taken aback a little due to her tone of voice, but I paid it no mind.

"Alright, well would you like me to show you around after school? I could give you a tour so you won't get lost?" I say. She finally makes eye contact with me and her hardened eyes soften a bit when she sees my huge smile.

"I'd like that," she says with a small smile. Her sudden demeanor and personality change threw me off but I didn't show it.

"Okay. I'll meet you near the cafeteria after school. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask," I say.

"I will," she says and stares ahead as Mr. Storing walks inside the classroom. I stare ahead but continue to think about the girl behind me. Her lips look soft, I think, oh my gods, I'm such a pervert.

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