The First Lamenter

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They call me 'Hero' the call me 'Huntsman' I do not know these titles, nor do I deserve them. They put me on Pict-casts, I see screens through windows bearing my visage, I don't deserve this either. I slink from the light of day, I do not deserve it. My shame is too great. When the civilians do catch sight of me, they smile, wave and move on.

For the most part.

A few offer me aid, food, drink and trinkets, tokens of affection it seems. I always decline. I do not deserve this either. I sit on rooftops, I hear them speak of me with admiration, I do not deserve this. I see children play, some on all fours pouncing like the Daemons, others aiming imagined rifles in the stance I use, the children on all four howling and falling over, playing dead when the other children cry out 'Bang!'
I do not deserve this.

The other day I met an woman, crying behind a store. I could not allow them to weep. They did not hear my approach, they continued to weep as I knelt beside them, tears streaming as the looked upon me, I asked them: 'My child, why do you cry?' Thier response nearly brought me to tears as well. Their child was lost to them, they had fallen in combat, struck down not by Daemons, but by human hands.I stayed beside her for a time, offering what I could, she thanked me for my kindness. I wept, for what horrid world could this be that thier fellow man would not comfort them in time of need.

I met them again today, they tried to think me with gifts, but I would not, could not, accept. I did not deserve them, I told her as much, she seemed saddened, she asked me why I believed such, I told her: 'I could not protect those who could not protect themselves, I had failed them, I had failed my brothers, I had failed my Father, and I have failed myself.' She nearly wept at my words, I begged her dry her tears, weep not for the Lamenter, for it is his burden to carry such pain. We parted ways soon after. I had learned her name was Jen Nikos. I do hope she finds peace.

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