Chapter 9

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She came back to the entrance and stood there a moment before coming back in. She couldn't bare to look at them.

"Please don't shield yourself from us, you are still welcome here," Galadriel said.

Sauriel managed to look up into each of their eyes, then came upon Elrond. He was less panicked, but confused.

"So, your name is Sauriel?" Saruman asked.

"...yes, it is. Once looking into the mirror, I remembered everything."

She explained what she saw but left what happened with Elrond out.

"They are going to be coming in greater numbers."

"Then let us ask Mirkwood for help," Gandalf said. "They will come to our aid."

"I will send word," Elrond said.

"Should I... leave? I don't want to endanger you all," she asked softly.

"All who seek refuge from the Dark Lord may stay here, that includes his own kin," Elrond said to her. "You do not have to leave. You're still welcome here."

"Since you now remember who you are, do you have all your memories back?" Gandalf asked.

"I do for the most part. Some things are hazy, but I remember quite a bit."

"Tell me, while you were there, what did you see? What did you do?" Gandalf asked, Saruman seeing where he was going with this.

"I... I spent most of my time in the cage," she said. "I wouldn't obey what he said, so often times I was locked into a cage up at the top of a tower. I remember the last time he put me up there, was because I wouldn't go with the Orcs and lead a pillage. I didn't do any of the dark things he told me to, no matter how he would beat me afterwards."

"So, you see, you are nothing like your father," Gandalf said.

She winced at the word father. That monster wasn't a father.

"I'm pretty sure he was the reason I lost my footing."

"So, what will you do for us?" Saruman asked. "Will you defend the elves and the people of Middle-Earth?"

"Yes, these elves have done so much for me," she said then looked into Elrond's eyes. "They all mean so much to me too."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you even come to be?" Gandalf asked.

"Thuringwethil... she is my mother. She was a messenger for Sauron. During the quest for Silmaril, she got caught in the battle between Sauron, Huan, and Lúthien. She was slain by the Hound of Valinor."

"I see, wasn't she a vampire?" Gandalf also asked.

"She was, I have every ability my... that Sauron has. I can transform into a werewolf, a serpent, and a vampire as well."

"We can use this to our advantage," Saruman said. "Just as in the mirror, you can transform into a serpent and then to a werewolf and defeat them."

"They will be sending a thousand Orcs Saruman," Gandalf said warily. "You expect her to be able to do it all before the Elves of Mirkwood get here?"

"No, but I can also gather intel, find out what his next move is."

"That would help immensely," Elrond agreed.

Saruman stared at the girl a moment.

"How do we know she isn't just a trap sent by Sauron?" he said.

The others turned, a little upset. Galadriel knew Saruman had the right to ask though.

"Because these people, Nolya, and... others matter so much to me. I don't want to be in the cage anymore. I'm tired of being chained up."

"But that was before you gained your memory back."

"And now that I have, I'm telling you that I care so much for everyone, I could never hurt them."

"Annatar, also later found out to be Sauron, came to the Elves under a guise as a peaceful being, and had the Rings made. How do we know you aren't doing the same?"

"Because I-" she cut herself off.

"Don't stop short, what were you going to say?" Saruman asked.

They all looked at her.

"Tell him, Sauriel. Tell him how you feel," Galadriel said into her mind.

She looked at Elrond and he just stared back into her gaze.

"Because I love Elrond," Sauriel started to blush as she felt her heart racing. "And I... I would do anything to protect him."

He was a little surprised, but not by how she expected. He harbored the same feelings for her, but didn't think she would ever admit her feelings for himself.

Gandalf smiled. Saruman thought on her words, and how passionate she was.

"I believe you," Saruman said.

"So it's settled. We await the Orcs and Mirkwood's help," Galadriel said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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