You came home high

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Well you weren't a bad teen and you didn't often do a lot of bad things, so when you did your parents weren't too hard on you unless that had to.

"Maya..." Carina says in a whiny voice. "What is it honey?" Maya asks. "I'm just so tired, can you rub my back?" Carina ask. "I can, if you rub my back," Maya says.

"Ok then you got a deal, and you have to stay awake because Liliana is not home yet Carina," Maya says.

"Oh yeah, isn't she with that Miriam girl, the one with the purple hair and mean mugs people," Carina says.

"We can't judge her if we don't know her and besides, Liliana has really build a good friendship with her and I like seeing our daughter happy," Maya says.

"I do too love, but I don't want her to get mixed in with the wrong crowd and do things because other people are doing it." Carina says.

"So Maya, how was your day?" Carina asks. "I guess it was fine and why are you smiling at me like—" Maya says.

"After all these years I can still make you blush my looking at you like the day we met." Carina says.

A few hours later Liliana is still not home and she hasn't passed her curfew yet so they weren't too worried they just didn't know about this new friend that she made but she eventually just did come home.

"Hey guys," Liliana says in a relaxed tone which makes her mothers think something's up.

"So, how was your friend's house?" Maya asks. "It was all good, everything's good all is good." Liliana says.

"Umm ... why are your eyes red, have you been doing anything that you wouldn't normally do?" Carina question her daughter. "No," the teen lies.

"Nothing happened we just hung out in the basement and played video games mama, nothing major,"  Liliana says.

"Come on, if you tell us the truth then you won't be on punishment, I feel like I already know," Maya says.

"I'm sorry, I just been super stressed with school mom, I wasn't trying to make you guys mad," Liliana says.

"You can't do thing like that, it's not safe for you to do drugs at your age" Maya says trying not to be too hard on her."

"Devi parlarne, niente droghe, ti amo piccola," Carina says.

"Ok mamma mi dispiace"Liliana says.

"Do you want some dinner?" Maya asks. "Huh?" Liliana says. "Do. You. Want. Something. To.  Eat." Carina says. "Oh yeah I'm hungry." Liliana says.

"Non credo di aver più bisogno del mio sedere," Liliana says to Maya.

"Carina, what did she say?" "Umm... you don't wanna know," Carina says.

"So, do we put her on punishment," Maya asks her wife.  "Look, Bambina, I know you don't want to be like your dad, and you are nothing like your father, you're a wonderful mother.

"And besides, we got a good kid, she probably just tried it because all of her friends were doing it, and you gotta try stuff in life to know who you are."

"So, no, let's just let her slide but one of her mothers is Italian, if she does it again she can mess around and find out" Carina says.

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