Chapter 6: The proposal (Part 2)

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The boy pulls out a face showing disagreement, confusion, and irritation, which the adult seems to understand.

"Hey. I tried, kid."

The person says with a tone showing he has tried everything he can.

Yet, Mono can't stand this!!!

He has just woken up in confusion, wondering where the HECK he is, and the first person showing up tells him that he will be killed????

And don't mention the only thing the adult has told him is just a fight between them, which he doesn't even know if that was true.

That's just a bunch of crap!!

The boy intends to struggle with the confinement but suddenly feels off about this person. Something from him forces him not to engage in a losing battle.

If he ever does so, he will not come out of this alive. That's what the adult's aura tells him. So, Mono decides against confronting the adult and continues listening to him.

And let's not mention all the devices effectively hindering his movement.

However, that still doesn't change his honest reaction to the information of the execution. Confusion and Irritation.

"Execution is execution, but..." The adult continues. "We're suspending the sentence."


If Mono has to guess, that would mean his demise's delayed. He doesn't know why but he appreciates it nevertheless.

"So..." He tries to ask for clearance. "It's on hold for now?"

"It's confirmed." The man says with a clear-as-day voice. "And as far as I can see, you are confused."

It's sure as heck he is!!

"So, let me explain from the top." The man stands up from the chair. Then, he picks up and shows Mono one of the two things before.

"This gun..."


"...uses the same material that your quirk's capable of creating," Susio continues the speech and points at the glitching radiant blue liquid inside the gun's case. "And it is capable of turning anything to its true form, The Constant."

As a demonstration, he turns back at the chair and shoots it once with the gun.



Suddenly, a loud bang erupts in Mono's ears, making him slightly stunned, but he can keep his eyes on the chair, which now shows what the man means.

The chair slowly turns to glitching and dark material that resembles TV static from the point of impact. Gradually, it spreads all over the object that collapses upon its foundation is "infected," as the adult has said. The remnants of what used to be called "chair" are now a bunch of glitches and errors, which are then disposed of with another shot from the other gun of the man. Those disappear entirely afterward, leaving no traits of the object in the first place.

"And it includes living beings, turning them into The Mutilated Ones that can continue infecting others like how my bullet's done to the chair. Acceratingly."

A screen suddenly appears in front of the man, which displays a boy with green hair looking directly at the camera which takes the picture. His face shows cold emotion. His insidious, sharp green eyes are of those with a million plans to take back what they have been taken from.

However, the most noticeable things about that boy are the sparks and green glitches flowing around his neck and hands.

Mono comes to a realization.

LN x MHA Crossover: Nightmarish Heroism. (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora