Chapter 35: No folk dance for fried horse mackerel

Start from the beginning

“Eh? Ah, yeah. It just came up in conversation…”

“Why would you say that?! Isn’t it an unwritten rule not to say things like that?!”

“But my mom and dad wanted to hear more about you…”

“There are other things to talk about, right?! For example, me liking anime or curry!”

“I already mentioned those things. But they wanted to know more… Lately, about 80% of dinner conversations revolve around you.”

“T-That much… Uhm, I don’t think you mentioned that other thing, right?”

“What thing?”

“You know, come now. When Senpai fell over and… well, I saw something.”

“I-Idiot!! I didn’t mention that!! Pervert!!”

So, you mention the kiss but not the panties. Was it because the kiss was unsuccessful and it was clear it was a joke? Like a comedic punchline?

But it’s a good thing that we can have such conversations. It makes me happy to hear that. Yeah.

“That’s good.”

It’s good in multiple ways. It’s good that her family relationship has improved, and it’s good that the fact that I saw her panties hasn’t been exposed.

No matter what, it wouldn’t feel good for their daughter if some random guy saw her flashy red panties. It’s a relief. It hasn’t been exposed. If we were to coincidentally meet in public, it would be more than just awkward. It’s a given that things would become awkward just because of the attempted kiss, but since it was unsuccessful and a joke, it’s better than talking about panties.

“I-I wouldn’t say that!! It’s beyond the level of a joke if my parents found out my junior saw my underwear!!!!”

“Right~. Well, I’m really glad.”

“Why are you so calm?! Be more flustered!! It’s like I’m doing a one-person comedy show!!”

“I’m sorry.”

Internally, I’m quite flustered, but not as much as she is. This is what it means to handle things like an adult!!!

As we continue our conversation, we hear a loud bang, indicating that the relay race has ended. Only the folk dance remains. But before that, we have to clean up what’s happening right now.

“Well then, I have to carry these, so excuse me.”

“W-wait, we’re not done talking yet!”

“Excuse me.”

I headed towards the storage room carrying a few folding chairs. It would be embarrassing and awkward to keep talking about that.

I left the scene as if escaping.


[Karen PoV]

Izayoi carried the folding chairs and walked away.

It’s a little frustrating. I talked about my underwear being seen, but he didn’t react much. There should be more to it, right? I’m the only one feeling embarrassed, while Izayoi doesn’t show any reaction.

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