Chapter 8 {Before You Go}

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Minho's POV

I told Chan everything that happened with me and Felix yesterday at the coffee shop and he was really happy for me.

I did feel bad since Chan also liked Felix but Felix didn't know.

Yet? I dont know maybe Chan will confess soon but i won't really hold onto that thought since Felix is leaving for Australia tomorrow morning. And me and Felix are officially dating.

I cried so much and I couldn't stop because Felix was leaving tomorrow.

"Min, i promise im gonna come back soon, its only for 2 years and ill be back to see you. I'll still call you everyday and facetime you too."

That's the only thing Felix told me that made me think that it wont be long until I see him again, if we called maybe i would miss him less than i expect to? But i dont want him to leave at all still.

"Hey Min" a familiar voice came up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

I knew that it was

"Felix! Hiiiii" i said

He smiled at me and my heart melted like a marshmallow being overheated.

"MY FAVORITE LIVE BIRDS, HOW ARE YALL!" Jisung yelled out as he popped out of nowhere from behind us.

"Ji-sus! Jisung where did you come from-" Felix yelled out with his hand on his heart and I just stood there galring at Jisung for scaring us like that.

"Oh well, you know, just watching my favorite love birds while sitting on that tree right there." He told us and smirked.

"Bitch you built like a tree." I told him then i held Felix's hand and walked into school.

"hEy wHy sO mEaN mAn?" Jisung said to me as he tried to catch up behind me and Felix

Felix just laughed at us and it made me smile.

"So you smile and laugh with lix but not when im here?" Jisung asked me as we entered the main entrance.

"No, but its just that i love Felix more and its too early for you to be this energetic Ji." I answered him after calming down a bit from seeing Felix smile.

"Great excuse! Speaking of love, im gonna go see where my bread stealer is." He told us and went down to the cafeteria to try and find Jeongin getting breakfast.

Me and Felix both looked at each other at the same time to see if we heard that right and we did.

"YA WAIT WHAT-" We both yelled out at the same time.

"BYEEEEEEEEEE EHEHEHEH" Jisung said and giggled away with a weird ass run.

"What in the fu-"

"HEY BITCHESSSSSS!" Hyunjin came out of nowhere with Seungmin and said to us.

"Us? Bitches? Says the one who cant pull none." Felix suddenly said

"Excuse you, he actually did pull one." Seungmin told Felix and rolled his eyes.

Hyunjin just stood there staring blankly and i did the same.

"Well what bitch did he pull?" Felix asked and pointed a Hyunjin who looked a little offended.

"Me." Seungmin answered.

My eyes almost popped out their sockets when i heard that but Felix didn't seem surprised.

"Oh yeah Jisung told me you guys were dating, i forgot." Felix then said

Seungmin nodded.

"How come you didn't tell me?" I turned and asked Hyunjin.

MinLix <> ~Coffee Shop~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ