Chapter 4 {You and Her}

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Felix's POV

I woke up this morning running late. Like reallyyy late.

The first class starts at 7:25 and im sitting looking at my stupid alarm clock that shows the time of 8:08

Ugh, i really wish i didn't stay up all night listening to music and thinking of one specific boy that runs around my mind 24/7

He just makes me feel some type of way, and actually im starting to feel like eveythings going well ever since the day that ruined my life.



I heard screaming from my parents bedroom and it gave me chills.

A voice of a man was heard outside



The room filled up with smoke and everything was turning blury. I woke up in the hospital laying on the bed. Silence filled the air.

I looked up to the small screen tv and the news were on.

"The house of 143 Stayeve Street Avenue has gone on fire, due to the stove being left on overnight, which caused the gas pot to explode leaving the house on fire. Policemen and Firemen had found five bodies including thirty-four year old Lee JoWon, the father of three kids and husband of Lee Eunbi, the second body found dead. Their three kids, Lee Felix, Lee Rachel and Lee Olivia had all survived and been sent to the hospital immediately after their bodies had been found."


nurses came running in and tried to calm me down, as one of them looked at the tv and saw what was on. She turned it off and called for the doctor.

A man wearing a mask and white hospital coat ran in the room and came to sit by my side as tears filled my eyes.

"Felix, its okay, your gonna be okay, calm down son." He then checked the screen next to me to check how my heart was.

The salty and warm tears fell from my eyes landing on my chest, i felt it burn and looked down to see a big burnt scar on my chest.

"Your okay, your sisters are okay too. Dont be sad we can figure this out ok?" The docor told me while caressing my head.

"He has a high temperature too, get me a thermometer and a cup of water please." He turned to one of the nurses and told her. She nodded her head and ran out the room.

She came back a few minutes later and handed the doctor a thermometer and gave me the cup of water.

My hands were shaking and my tears wouldn't stop. My appetite felt like shit. I didn't want to do anything but see my family.

"Its okay son..its gonna be okay..." the doctor kept telling me as he caressed my head.

"Its okay..its gonna be okay." I told myself as i snapped out of my thoughts.
"Oh shit, its already 8:32, i gotta get my ass up."

I quickly made my bed and ran to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

After i finished, i got my uniform from my closet and quickly fixed up my hair.

Right after i was gonna leave Olivia called me on the phone.

"Good morning sleepy head"
"How did you know I just got up-"
"I heard your alarm go off about a million times before leaving and i thought it would good for you to take a day off."
"I left you your breakfast on the counter, thats why i called you, because if i didn't, you probably wouldn't even go downstairs at all."

MinLix <> ~Coffee Shop~Where stories live. Discover now