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Athours note TW body image issues.  Also SH

Word count 859

Pov salish and bit of jiji

So when Jiji and Salish got home they went upstairs and change into their match jp. When Salish put she felt weird she was a bit self-conscious but she then went to Jiji's room. Jiji does it look good to think looks a bit fat she says. Salish you are more skinny than me don't say that you are beautiful and Nidal will think so too. You think so. I know so Jiji says. They walk downstairs they had into some friends around. Peja and Ryer and some new people Salish didn't know. Everyone sat down.  I sit down next to Nidal. I started to talk I didn't serve anyone. I saw Peja was wearing a similar set pj to me and Jiji but were pink and a bit longer. I was nervous because I never wore something like that. It felt could see all my body. I was also scared that people would notice the scars on my wrist but I couldn't tell them why. Over 6 months ago the day I first self-harmed. It was because I was stressed and lonely I couldn't help but feel so sad until I did it just drew all the pain away of course came back but yeah. I was kind of cold but I didn't do anything was trying to get something you know thankfully no one had noticed yet. About 5 minutes later nidal tap my shoulder Salish whispered do you want my hoodie? No, I don't want to. He looks at me. But you are cold. Then think yeah because will cover it better. Thank says put it on. I liked his hoddie because it smelled like him I might take on home with me when come back. But I don't school too yet when it all gets too much. About 30 minutes of chatting when I go back upstairs. I go to the bedroom  I get the thing out of my bag. I then the bathroom (I gonna after she you know because don't want to trigger anyone.

I then wash my hands and drenched my face because. Then walk out then open the door to see Nidal there I hide the thing in the pocket. Then to my put managing to not let Nidal see. Nidal look at me. Oh, I then take holding arms still you can't see. He goes to the laundry basket. But something on the hoodie catches his eye. He looks at it then look at me. There um blood. In my mind, I think oh shit. He then put in the basket walk over to me. Are you OK with your bleeding? I'm fine yes just hurt it must of been that. Are sure. Yes, I'm fine. He then reaches to hold my hand. I move my hand out of the way. What that for only go hold your hand reaches for it again. Then hold the falls something drip onto his hand. Oh, Salish you bleeding a lot gonna get a tissue. No I'm fine get one. He then looks at her confused he then turns her arm over her wrist side. He looks up at salish she has tears down her face.  He then hugs her don't cry. I'm um not what you um. Salish, please . I'm sorry. Nidal then says I'm gonna get Jiji. Ok, I say. Ndal worried sacred because he sacred physical and mental health. He then goes. All the people are still Nidal look Jiji. She goes to him. Jiji you to come it salish. What wrong? Peja gets up to come help. They get upstairs to see Salish crying on the bathroom floor. Nidal goes to her. Peja gets the tissue. She gives him a look Salish can sort it out in front She nods. I pull my arm back. Joji and Peja look with shock on their faces. He wins it then ask Jiji to get plasters and Peja goes with her. I'm sorry Salish says. Sorry it's not your fault. Yes, it you would have with was such a baby im stupid fat ugly baby. Salish. It true. No, it's not one your the most beautiful girl in the world. Tow your weight does matter to me I love you skinny or round. I love he says I'm so lucky that you are my girlfriend. She leans head his shoulder. So when did this start I ask.  A bit ago. When. 6 months ago. Oh Salish we have to tell an adult. No. Salish I know it's hard you need help to stop this from getting worse.I know. Peja and Jiji are back with the plaster. Ok here is some plaster. Nidal uses about 7 plasters. He looks her leg there few marks very faint skin colour marks.

OK I'm gonna she told Nidal mom and she informed her parents Salish is around to stay though because she needs something happy to make her less likely  to do it which means Nidal is gonna try his best to make things positive not negative.

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