Wedding bells and family hell

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The next morning Nico, Nicole and Sally wakes up.
Nicole has a meeting and rushes back to her floor to get done.
Nico kisses Sally on the cheek, fore head then on her lips.

Nico: "Good morning my angel"

Sally: "Good morning handsome"

Nico: "Wait here, I'll get breakfast ready"

Sally: "Ok"

Sally pulls the blanket over her head as Nico rushes downstairs.

Nicole: " I thought you'll be spending the day in bed"

Nico: "No, we have a wedding to plan"

Nicole: "We can meet at 1 maybe t lunch, by the way where is Maria?"

Nico: "I fired her last night"

Nico leans forward and kisses Nicole as Nicole leaves the house.
Jasmine walks into the kitchen.
Jasmine is their oldest house help.

Jasmine: "Good morning Mr Lewis"

Nico: "Good morning Jas, Jas I need you to prepare a feast for breakfast, add candles and roses, for the new mrs, we will be down in 2 hours."

Jasmine: "Will do sir, Congrats"

Nico: "Thank you Jas, please get someone today to replace Maria too"

Nico rushes back up stairs.
He goes to another room, he grabs a basket filled with goods and goes back to Sally's room.
Sally is fast asleep.
Nico enters the bathroom and run the tub.
He puts candles all over, the water is full of bubbles.
Nico gets in the bed next to Sally, grabs her and pulls her close to him, he kisses her ear she wakes and moans a little.

Nico: "Time to get up babe, I've got a day full of fun planned"

Sally: "Mr Handsome, I'm still tired"

Sally gets up, Nico leads her to the bathroom, lifts her up and place her in the bath tub.

Sally: "Your not joining me?"

Nico: "Only if you want me to"

Sally nods her head, Nico gets in the tub.
Sally places her body on top op Nico's pressing her pussy against his penis and whispers in his ear.

Sally: "I think I'm ready"

She kisses Nico in the neck.
Nico watches her as she moves her perfect body up and down on his.

Sally gets out of the tub and gets in the room, she notices the bed has been made and there is a tray with coffee and tea and a bunch of white roses.

Sally: "You coming?"

Nico washes himself and jumps out of the tub, not sure if he is ready to take her virgin.
He rushes over to the room, she is standing infront of the bed, he runs and grabs her, throw her on the bed and spread her legs, he tickles her clit with his tongue and goes down to her pussy hole, he licks it, placing his tongue in her pussy hole, she moans loud, he takes his finger and play with her clit, he makes her squirt, his face is wet, he continues until she cums all over his face.

He places his body on top of hers, she folds her legs around his body

He whispers,

Nico: "Sally baby, this is the closes I'll get to taking your virgin, I crave my penis in your pussy more than anything, but I will not break your believes, I love you "

Sally: "Meet me in the tub with a mug of coffee please, strong coffee, 2 sugars and a milk"

Nico: "Yes boss"
Nico jokes around.

Nico watches Sally's perfect body as she walks towards the bathroom, gets up and prepare their coffee.

Nico gets in the shower and Sally baths while adoring Nico's body in the shower.

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