However before he could finished, he is continuously pestered by the wasp who is now mad at him for swatting him earlier, and was now doing it on purpose. However, Mac was unfazed by this and tosses a knife at the wasp, killing it as the blade squished him on the tree. Then he felt a tap on his hand and looks down to see one of his dogs panting at him

Mac: what are you looking at? Get over there and guard those dumb animals, Ya dumb animal!

As he said that he smacks him upside the head with his hat, demonstrating his distaste. The dog then whimpers as he heads over to the truck, with the larger dog looking to him with concern and goes over to give him company

Later that night, the full moon was up. The dogs were still up. But they were exhausted for, staying awake all night thus far. Finally, after a few minuets, they fell fast asleep, wanting to get some rest. And it was at that moment, the little kangaroo, nugget, was able to break free from his bag. He checks to see that the dogs were asleep and frees himself from the bag. He then heads over or free his friends, but heard one of the dogs waking up. He then swiftly returns to his bag to avoid detection as the dog looks up onto the truck, and sees all was calm and the same. When he returns to sleep, nugget comes out, and releases his friend, wal the wombat and bandi the bandicoot from their bags.

Then he heads over to the cages to free the other young animals that were captured. However, since they didn't know the concept of locks, it was quite difficult. But nugget found a solution. He looks to see a stick that was conveniently then and there and puts it in the lock. He fiddles around a bit before it u locked and the cage opens releasing the young cassowaries and echidnas Inside. He then uses the stick to free the other young animals, birds and reptiles that were also captured

They then head to the edge of the truck, and to their surprise came an adult kangaroo. It was nugget's mom, mrs K them and there

Nugget: mom! Ya came!

Mrs K: shhh

She then lowers down allowing the young animals to slide down to the ground

Just as it was now Brandi's turn to slide down, the larger dog awakes and sees the commotion

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Just as it was now Brandi's turn to slide down, the larger dog awakes and sees the commotion. The young animals hide under the truck just as Mrs K rears up to face the dog. Thankfully that was the time when Hanazuki and her gang came to the rescue. Waspinator them fires his stinger lasers at the dog getting his attention

Waspinator: Waspinator should've thought that through

The dog barks at the Insectobot as he screams in fear and flies off. With one of the to dogs out of the at, bandi leaps off the truck, completely forgetting about the other dog, whom she lands on waking up. Thankfully Mrs K was there and to her rescue as she fends her off while bandi joins her friends under the truck. The dog leaps at Mrs k, but she punches him square in the face and kicks him away with her strong kangaroo legs

Mac wake up to see the commotion and sees stag facing him, pinching his pincer and swiping his harm leaving time for the others to come

Pips: hey boys! We found us some action!

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