Animal Rescue

102 4 22

(Intro theme)
It was near dusk. The forest was as quiet as the trees in the warm summer breeze. The nocturnal life was just waking up for their nightly routines, it's here, in a secluded part of the forest, where the poacher and his boss made camp. The hunter, named Mac, was out on patrol while his boss was back at camp digging through his bag looking at all the things he had brought for the trip. But what he didn't see was a wasp landing on his heated hair straightener, and when he did...

He started freaking out in a stereotypical fashion when one sees a harmless insect minding its own business

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He started freaking out in a stereotypical fashion when one sees a harmless insect minding its own business

Boss: AAAHHH!!! A bug!

He gets up swiftly and pats his short making sure the wasp wasn't on him. He then gets a weapon to use to squish the harmless bug, but all he brought was his telephone. Which was pretty useless on my opinion. I mean seriously, who uses telephones anymore?

Anyway, he makes due and starts slamming his portable table aiming for the bug who was thankfully out of the scene by hat point. But all the slamming as shaking his lit lamp closer and the edge. Finally he stops for a moment to catch his breath. He looks to his phone to see he had utterly destroyed it and looked to where the wasp was and found nothing but dirt

Boss: ehh. Just a bit of dirt

He then goes back to his previous doings as he digs into his bags before hearing a quiet yet loud hooting sound that could only be heard from miles away

Boss: what was that?

It was at that moment Mac and his dogs return to camp

Mac: relax boss. Just think of all the money we make when we sell those dumb animals in the truck

Boss: I'm trying to relax! I tell ya, Mac, I dunno how you put up with this outdoors life

Mac: ehhh. You'll do alright boss

He makes his way to a large log as he proceeds to lay down

Mac: roughen up the hair on ya chest

The boss looks to his chest to stare at the one chest hair he had

Boss: mmm. Maybe so, but I still prefer bubble baths and room service

Mac: mm. I'm with ya there

The boss looks up and sees the same wasp from before and swats at it hitting the lamp as he missed

Mac: careful boss. Don't wanna burn down a thousand years of rainforest do we?

Boss: what do I care? Wait a minute! RAINforest? How can ya set fire to a RAINforest?!

Mac: trust me boss. It'll go up. And if it does, it'll be the end of your little hunting trip

Boss: it won't just be the end of my hunting trip-

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