Chapter 7 - A phenomenal actor!

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-----------------------------------------------------Aqua's POV------------------------------------------------------------

Ohhh, shit. Ruby was in for it now. After he eventually managed to get rid of Kana by telling her he was going to bed, he texted Ruby.

Get up here. Now. You have some explaining to do.

As he heard Ruby coming up the stairs, he was thinking about what he could say. What had she done? What was she thinking? Why was Kana being so weird, and why the hell was Akane not here right now. Aqua could tell it was her fault. When he had locked eyes with her it had become plain as day. The message in her eyes: I'm sorry

Aqua calmed himself down. No point being angry about it. He would talk to Akane about it on set when the next episode was being shot. But first, he needed to understand what happened. The door opened.

"Hey, Aqua. Listen, I just want you to know-"

"It's ok. I'm not that mad anymore. I'm going to talk about it with Akane, but first I want to know what happened."

Ruby took a deep breath, as if she was trying not to cry. "Well, I mean, you'd have to be pretty dense to not know that Kana likes you. So when she watched the last episode of Lovenow!, she got... just a tad wound up."

"Ah. I see."

Ruby nodded. "Anyway, I tried cheering her up. You can take a guess as to how. She kind of took it the wrong way, and, well... the rest is history."

Aqua noticed a tear roll down Ruby's cheek, and kindly pretended not to notice (is that how girls work? That's how guys work anyway).

"Alright, thanks Ruby. Now I know I said I wasn't mad, but for compensation I'm gonna need you to figure out a way around this. Make sure Kana and I aren't at home at the same time until this all blows over."

Ruby sighed. "Ouch, ok. Poor Kana, but fine. I can do that. Thanks for not being too mad, bro."

She gave him a hug, and Aqua kind of just accepted it, awkwardly. He gave her a pet on the head. There there.

"Alright, now skeddadle. I need to sleep. G'night"

"Night, Aqua."

After Ruby left his room, Aqua closed his eyes. Uugh, this was going to be a mess. He didn't want to start pulling the strings from behind the scenes again, but if this didn't get resolved soon he just might have to. And that wouldn't work out well for anyone but himself.

The next day, Aqua woke up feeling oddly put-down, even compared to usual. Why was that- oh wait, yeah, now he remembered. He checked his phone.

We're out atm. If you wanna leave the house, now's a good time to do it. Gl bro."

Aqua smiled. Perfect. The sooner he could get this over with, the better. Hmmm, or he could wait until the show started up again to make more a splash. Some real emotion was bound to warrant more views. Besides, it had been too long before he played with someone's emotions.

No! Bad Gouro! Bad! Mental bitch slap.

Despite this, Aqua decided it might be better to wait until the episode started filming anyway, given all the pros and cons. If he sought out Akane now, all sorts of problems could arise. Yeah, coordinating it with the show was much more efficient. 

Aqua got changed, grabbed his phone, his money, and anything else he would need just in case, and headed for the city. He still needed to get out of here before Kana arrived, anyway. In fact, he had no sooner reached the city when he got another text.

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Where stories live. Discover now