Chapter 4 - The Aftermath

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Hi guys, quick note!

Holy shit, we went straight past the 15 goal. I was planning to announce a bonus chapter once we got to 100 reads in total, but we've hit it now. Well, uh, surprise! I'll do chapters 4 and 5 at pretty much the same time with no delay in between so they should release around a day hour apart if everything goes well. Thank you so much! And please let me know if you enjoy the switching between POVs by leaving a comment. If you do, comment which POV you would like me to do next! It could be Aqua, Akane, or even someone else like Ruby or Kana!

Anyway, with that out of the way, lets get started


                                                                               Aqua's POV

God damnit, what had she been thinking!? Suicide was never the answers to one's problems. Let's be straight, Aqua hadn't only done this out of the goodness of his heart. He knew from personal experience that life could be snuffed out in an instant, and it would be a fact that could never change. Dying not only hurt yourself (for obvious reasons), but it hurt the people around you too. Although he was unaware of anyone mourning his own death, he himself mourned for Ai and his old patient, Serena. If Akane were to have killed herself, the other actors in Lovenow would all be overcome with grief, and the show would most likely be cancelled. He couldn't allow that, not when he was finally starting to enjoy acting. Not now that he had finally gained his other spark.

But... there was something else. Something else that compelled him to go looking for Akane in that storm. As he sat in the police station, waiting for Akane to come out of questioning, he pondered what it could be. Could it possibly be... no, the thoughts were ridiculous. He needed to stay focused.

Insert gigachad theme her.

After what seemed like an eternity, Akane was released from her questioning. All the members of the Lovenow cast were there, along with Akane's and Aqua's mothers. Well, maternal figures, at least.

"Well done, Aqua. You did the right thing" Miyako Saitou said reassuringly. "I'm very proud of you."

As she went over to talk to the police, Aqua looked over at Akane, who was now being help ferociously tightly in a bear-hug of the ages by Sumi Yuki.

"Why didn't you say something!? I would have listened with everything I had! I would have done anything to help you!"

It was apparent Yuki had just given Akane a taste of her own medicine by giving her a slap across the cheek, as Akane was simply standing there with one hand hovering over the spot she had just been hit. Then she returned Yuki's embrace, going back to her usual style of unnecessary apology.

"Hey, Aqua!" 

As Aqua turned in the direction of the voice, he saw Ruby running down the hall of the police station, with a few of the policemen standing still, not knowing whether to stop the random young lady from running through their halls or to just leave her be. Since they couldn't exactly run after her to stop her, the decided to just let it be.

"I heard what you did from Miyako. You're so cool!" she gushed as she enveloped her twin brother in a flying tackle hug. "It seems like just the type of thing you'd do!"

"Does it?" Aqua wondered, shaking his head. "I guess. I couldn't just let her do that to herself."

Ruby looked towards Akane, who was still being reprimanded by Yuki.

My acting love - Watashi no engi ai (Aqua Hoshino x Akane Kurokawa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora