"I'm sorry honey. Boys are stupid. Maybe Blair isn't the friend you thought she was and that's ok, people come and go. Plus Your the prettiest person I've ever seen in my life and I've seen a lot of people so don't you dare even think for one minute you aren't pretty Bily. And your curls are so gorgeous honey" "why'd you kill your curls then?" She says not believing me one bit. "Because I was insecure, I didn't see the beauty of them but now that I do I'm so so jealous of your curls. I wish I kept mine." "Really?" She asks. "Mhm" I confirm her suspicions. "If you say so"
She shrugs. I sit next to her with one arm wrapped around her back rubbing her arm.

"Thanks Tay, you're the best" she says before embracing me in a full hug. I happily hold her feeling better knowing I could help her feel better about the situation. As a mom I hate knowing she's getting into her 'boyfriend' stage but the sister side of me is so excited about it. I also hate the fact she hates her curls but I don't blame her, all these girls around her have straight hair, I felt the same when I was her age.

"We can talk about this boy drama later, yeah? For now let's just enjoy tour" I whisper in her ear as we hug. "Ok" she whispers back. We share a quick small peck on the lips before parting ways. Me and my sister have always shared small kisses on the lips since we were little so I guess it's just kind of stuck with us. More of a comfort thing I think.

I breathe heavily with my microphone by my side, I look around at the packed venue of people who have all come to see me sing. That's crazy.
I glance back stage to see a paramedic doing something to Bilys knee, panic immediately kicks in. "Hang on, im sorry" i say into the mic as I rush over to my sister.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I ask preparing for the worst. "Taylor you have to get back out there" someone says. "Wait. Bily what happened?" "I just tripped and scraped my knee Tay, you're so dramatic" Bily laughs at me. I feel a little embarrassed that I got so protective over a little scrape but hey you can't blame me! My mother instincts kicked in.

"Oh," I laugh "you ok?" I ask just to be sure
"Yeah, Go Tay, they are waiting for you" she tries to 'shoo' me away with her hand. "Ok ok, I love you" I kiss her cheek softly. "I love you too" she kisses my cheek back before I run back on stage.

"Sorry I saw my sister with one of the paramedics and I thought she broke a leg or something but she just scraped her knee," I laugh into the mic causing the crowd to laugh with me "anyways, speaking of my sister, she requested for me to play this song as a surprise song. It's one of my favourites and I hope you guys like this song just as much as I do." I giggle knowing this song has probably been the most requested on this tour.

All of a sudden 'haunted' starts playing through the big loud speakers. I See and hear fans screaming about the song choice including Bily. Haunted has always been one of my favourites.


The show is finally over. I love performing but I'm definitely exhausted. I managed to get into the hotel room safely with Mae going anonymous which is a win in my books. I just finished up with my shower and I'm now I'm laying down in the hotel bed with Mae by my side."You were so good tonight Tay" Mae tells me for the 100th time tonight. "Thank you," I giggle "I saw you jumping around backstage"

"Mhm! Your shows are always so fun" "That's good, I'm so glad" I'm so happy she's loves my shows. I lean over slightly to turn off the only remaining light source being my side table lamp. Tomorrow is a rest day which I'm so happy for. No flights. No shows. No nothing. I get to spend the day with my sister. I know I'm with her everyday but I never get to spend a whole day just with her so I want to make it special.

I lay back down, laying on my side facing Mae. I scooch down so we are face to face. Times like these are usually when we have our sisterly talks.
"So... any updates about Blair and Jacob?" I ask her. "I text Blair about it, she said she was sorry but told me she did genuinely like him, I think I was just more mad that she didn't tell me, but she did apologise. I do understand where she is coming from though"

"So are you guys ok now?" "Yeah we are. She's still my best friend. When we get home from tour she said her family will take us both to the beach to make up for it." "That's good, sounds like fun bubs"

"What about you Tay? Any lovers?" She asks with a slight giggle to her voice. "No lovers honey, if I did you know I'd tell you right away" I smile softly. Me having a lover doesn't only affect me it affects Bily too so I always always tell Bily about who's in my love life. "Yeah I know" she giggles.

"I love you TayTay" she says out of nowhere
"I love you too monkey," I tell her because i do love her very very much. "You ok?" I ask "Yeah, I just want to make sure you knew" "Your too cute baby" I giggle. She snuggles in to my chest as I wrap my arms around her small body. Her weight has always concerned me. She's really skinny for her age. I'm sure it's just how she is naturally but I can't help but worry. I had an earring disorder when I was younger and I just don't want her to go through what I did. I'm probably over reacting.

"Bily have you eaten today?" I ask just to be sure. "Mhm" she confirms. "What did you have?" "Will got me Rasin'Canes when you were performing remember? You asked him to get me dinner" Will is my body guard, he has been since the start of my career so I trust him with Bily. "Oh that's right" I say remembering I saw her eating some Rasin'Canes. "Why do you always ask me that Tay?" "Ask you what?" "If I'd eaten" "just making sure your healthy babe" "ok" she says softly.

She looks up at me so I look down at her, not that I can really see her due to the only lighting coming through the moon. I feel her lean forward to leave a small peck on my lips and leaving them in a lip lock. People might find this weird but we've done it since she was born and it's nothing sexual at all. The same meaning as a hug. It's not like we're full on kissing or anything gross. It's just a way to show love for one an other. I think after losing our parents it's been a comfort mechanism. After about 6 seconds she pulls away before digging her head into my chest. I peck her forehead.

"Goodnight Bily" "goodnight Tay Tay, I love you" "I love you more monkey." "Nu-uh" "yeah-uh" he feel her smile as her head is pressed against my chest in a big hug.

Word count - 2017

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