11 - Mean

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Mean - Taylor Swift

You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man

Bily pov

Grammys. I go every year, not with Taylor of course. I go as a seat filler so I can still support Taylor without being noticed at all. It's always so fun seeing other artists perform. Usually I hang out with Aunty Lana's son Harry as he is also out of the spotlight. I have a lot of people I call Aunty and Uncle now that I think about it, Aunty Lana, Aunty Miley, Aunty Billie, Aunty Sel, Uncle Taylor, this list goes on!

Some celebrity is performing right now, I'm not sure who and I feel kinda guilty that I don't them as they seem to be quite popular but I'm sure I'll live. Instead me and Harry secretly judge all the celebrity's outfits, something we tend to do ALL the time. We do this knowing damn well that they look 10x better then we ever could  but that doesn't seem to stop us that's for sure. A certain blonde man catches my attention but I can't quite make out who it is so I just ignore it, I'm sure it's just an artist I've seen on tv or something. Awards get handed out and singers perform, all is well until I spot the same man again. Except it isn't any blonde man. It's Joe. My sisters ex boyfriend. Memories of the incident run through my head. How could he do that do a little kid?

"And the Grammy for the best music video goes too...... Taylor Swift!" The announcer says. As much as I want to celebrate my sisters win I'm focus on someone else. It feels like it's hard to breathe, my hands start to shake as I feel tears threading to fall. My first instinct is to get the fuck out of here so that's exactly what I do. "Bily where are you going?" Harry asks. I ignore him, running off to Tays dressing room. Once I get in i fall onto the floor, feeling extremely guilty about missing Taylor getting her award but I knew I couldn't handle being in the same room as him. Tears run down my cheeks as I curl into a ball on the floor. I sob. I don't know what else to do. I need Taylor.


Bily age 6

"U-um Joe?" I say to my sisters boyfriend. "What?" He says. "Can you play dolls with me? Look you can be Frankie! She's my favourite monster high doll" "no Bily, I'm busy" "but your watching tv?" I say confused, he doesn't look very busy to me. "Bily. I don't want to play with you ok?" "Please! You could even be Draculara, or Clawdeen, or Lagoona, or even Cleo" "Bily I'm not playing dolls with you." "If you wanna be a boy I have Deuce, he's really cool he has snakes as hair" "Brooklyn-Lily do you ever shut the fuck up? I said I'm not playing dolls with you." "Oh ok" I say sadly. Taylor always plays dolls with me. I hate staying at Joes house. He also used a no no word which I didn't like but I guess he really just didn't want to play. Maybe I should've offered him Heath Burns or something. I'll just play with myself. I play with my monster high dolly's for what seems like a very long time but my tummy grumbled for about the 5th time so I decide I need to stop playing and eat something. Then I can go back to playing.

"Joe I'm hungry" I say running out to where Joe is. "I just fed you 2 hours ago?" "But I'm hungry again" "god how much of a fatty are you? Just go grab something from the pantry" "ok" I smile. I walk off then realise I shouldn't smile so much because 'fatty' is a mean word I think. Oh well. I open his pantry, the first thing that catches my eye is a fruit roll up, I try reaching but silly me forgot that I have little legs. I decide the only way to get them is to climb, so I do. I climb up the shelves, I feel the box at my fingers tips, I manage to grab them and get down but I did knock some things over. Oh well I'm sure Joe will just put them back later. I walk out and i sit on the floor by the dining table since I can't reach the chairs properly. I unwrap a roll up and I happily munch on the sweet treat. I decide that im not that hungry anymore, well I am but I'd rather much play. Maybe Joe will play with me now!

"Joe come play dolly's with me please! You can be the guy with fire hair, he's really cool I promise!" "Oh my fucking god Brooklyn Lily do you even shut up for fucks sakes you little shit!" He stands up making me a little scared. "I don't want to fucking play with you ok?! Stop being such a hassle! Why can't you be a normal kid and stop bothering me?! All you do is bother me and annoy me. Why in gods name do you have to fucking do that?!"

"I-I'" I try to speak but I'm to scared. Tears fall down my cheeks. "Oh god go cry you little crybaby. You're such a little shit!" *slap*.
A stinging sensation fills my senses. I fall on the floor grabbing my burning cheek.

"Joe what the actual fuck do you think your doing?!" I hear a familiar voice yell. It's Tay.
She quickly scoops me up in her arms and suddenly I feel safe. Though the stinging in my cheek still hurts. "She was being such a hassle Taylor. I love you, where are you going?" "Away from you Joe. Obviously. Who do you think you are?!" "I'm your boyfriend Taylor, come on babe" "don't call me that Joe. We are so done." "Why? I didn't do shit? Please Taylor I love you, you know that." "YOU JUST HIT MY FUCKING KID?! ARE YOU A FUCKING PHSYCO OR WHAT?" "Your really picking a six year old over me?!" "What do you think Joe. My baby girl or my ex who just hit her?" "She's not even your child Taylor get over it. She's your sister." "Sister or not she's my baby. You know damn well I've raised her." "Yeah? Well you've raised a little shit you have. All she wants to do is eat and play." "MAYBE BECAUSE SHES A KID? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" "Taylor baby calm down I love you" "shut the fuck up. In grabbing her stuff and I'm leaving." "I'll leak pictures of her if you walk away from me Taylor." Joe threatens as Taylor starts picking up my dolls. "Then you'll be hearing from my lawyers. You've signed an NDA don't forget that Joe." She says before storming out. "FUCK YOU!" I hear Joe yell.

Part two?

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