However, it will be difficult to disguise or justify my behaviour if she does not take to my "kidnapping" kindly. I could plead that I lost my free will, but it would only be under rigorous inspection by psychiatrists that my claim could be verified.

To conclude, being convinced that kidnapper fantasies are not ubiquitous and my victim would be somewhat skeptical of my claim that I lost my free will, I decided to proceed with #1.

I let my right hand encircle the portion of her seatbelt behind her seat, squeezing it with a grip strength of 60.6 kg, which is allegedly the average for a 15-16 year old male. The statistic feels wrong though, somehow.

Trust me, to be very honest and frank as a human being with feelings and emotions, I am very nervous right now.

I pulled her seatbelt with about 5% of my strength.

She gasped and coughed, immediately swiveling around. I noticed how beautiful she looked, with silky, long black hair and a well-defined face. She was the same age as me, but radiated the maturity of someone well into college.

I hope my choice of words was clear. Many college students are rather immature, especially science students who seem to be plagued by urges to take a swig of lab alcohol. Perhaps they sneakily alter the labels on the alcohols when drunk, causing troubles for the great lab alcohol connoisseurs. Imagine a conversation between them.

Connoisseur 1: My goodness. What a fine specimen of C₈H₁₈O we have here! Indeed, I can feel the molar mass of 130.23 on the papillae of my tongue.

Connoisseur 1 wriggles his tongue like a snake. Connoisseur 2 spits out the octanol and looks horrified.

Connoisseur 2: What rubbish. This is mere plonk. Even sparkling water is better than this! Where is your bugatti?

Sotomura: The gustatory nuances and vinous complexities of this enological elixir encapsulate a harmonious symphony of ephemeral transcendence, tantalizing the palate with a melange of ambrosial ambivalence and sensorial opulence that transcends the bounds of comprehension.

Connoisseur 1: Oh, yeah... what he said!

Connoisseur 2: Huh...

In any case, despite her mature appearance, the girl gave me a stern glare. She seemed to be on the verge of passing out, yet fought to maintain her composure. Why is she on the verge of passing out anyway?


I adjusted my grip to pull with only 1% of my power, allowing her to breathe. But alas, no matter how kind you are, there remain ungrateful people who take advantage of your kindness to trample over you.

The girl yelled at me.

Author's Note: The girl in this story has not yet revealed her name to Ayanokoji, but simply using the word "Girl" as an identifier will not do. Therefore, we will temporarily give her a generic Japanese name: Horikita Suzune. Once her name is discovered, adjustments can be made.

Horikita (placeholder name): Cease your immature behavior immediately! This is neither the time nor the place for such childish pranks. Show some respect and consideration for others or face the consequences of your actions.

I looked at Horikita (placeholder name) with a confused expression on my face. Indeed, I have been learning how to use my levator labii superioris and risorius muscles in tandem to create unique facial expressions, and my training has produced interesting results.

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