*ੈ✩‧₊˚CHAPTER 24|| Taxi.ೃ࿐!

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GyunBeo                                                                YangSoo
                                                                        *Sent a photo*
They're fighting what the fuck
                                                Yes, and this is the perfect
                                    opportunity to get closer to her.
How'd you even get that photo
                                                                   I was passing by
                                                      and saw them fighting.
What do you want
me to do about that?
                                            Walk around the front gate,
                                I'm pretty sure she'll head home.
I'm literally on the third floor
                                                        I don't care just do it.
Fuck fine.

Gyun Beo POV

I sped down the stairs and opened my umbrella, stepping outside despite the rain. I didn't know why she specifically told me to be outside the front gate but I did as I was told.

I pretended to be walking from a particular direction, waiting on Yangsoo's update. It was cold, I couldn't throw on my jacket fast enough. I was left in a white tank top and baggy pants.

I got the text saying Y/N was heading in my direction so I got my act together and pretended to be roaming around. As soon as I heard loud steps coming my way, I knew it was her. She was crying, sobbing as she ran.

She didn't notice my presence as she sped up and bumped into me, causing both of us to fall. I was on the ground, I think I might have broken my tailbone as I tried to get up.

"I-I'm sorry-" She let out but stammered when she realized it was me. I had already gotten up from the floor by then. She took a minute of pure silence, letting the pitter-patter of rain ring through our ears before I asked.

"Hey, are you... Okay?" I noticed tears forming again as she suddenly did the unexpected. She went towards me and hugged me, holding on as if she'll disappear from this world if she didn't.

I was shocked, of course. I thought she hated me. She probably does, but I wouldn't expect her to choose me as her source of comfort even now. The look on her face was pitiful, I felt sorry, curious as to how much the fight affected her, and what Jiwon said to make her end up like this.

"I hugged her back, I feel a sense of concern well up inside me. I didn't like this. As much as I used to like seeing her miserable, this felt off, almost intoxicating. As I said those words I felt her grip on me get tighter, I let go of the umbrella, letting us get wet with the rain.

Some people were staring, I sent them a glare to get them away. Maybe just for now, I'll let her off the hook and be nice...

2nd person POV

It got colder, the wind blew harsher and it started to rain harder. you try to get up as you wiped your tears away with my hands, distancing myself from Gyun Beo. I felt embarrassed, why did you launch yourself at him like that? Before you could apologize to him, you suddenly sneezed.

"It's cold, you wanna head somewhere else for a while?" He asked, picking up the umbrella and holding it over your head, allowing himself to get soaked more than he already was.

You didn't know where to go, and you didn't just wanna run to Chanwoo, he was working and you didn't wanna be a bother to him. 

You didn't wanna show up anywhere in public soaked, and you didn't wanna go home yet so you asked. "Could we go to your place for a while maybe...? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

You figured Ran Eun Ae might be there so no funny business, she was decent enough to discipline her brother.

"Oh, sure. Come on before you get any sicker," He said, grabbing your hand and walking fast.

You took a taxi as his house was quite far from the campus, you weren't sure if you'd survive walking in the cold for god knows how long.

It was a silent ride, nothing but the sounds of rain hitting the window and vague sounds from outside to accompany you. You didn't feel like talking, not when you felt so down right now. What makes it worse is the fact that you were with Gyun Beo, who was also part of the reason why you fought with Jiwon anyway. It felt wrong, you felt guilty in a way, but he was just your friend. That won't change now, or ever.

"So... What happened on the way here?" He asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"What?" You didn't understand what he asked.

"You were crying as you ran into me." He restated his question, looking you in the eye. He reached his hand out and swiped his thumb on your cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. I just..." You didn't know what to say as an excuse. He already knew about you and Jiwon anyway, there's no point in trying to hide it. "I had a fight with Jiwon."

"Oh? I'm surprised you could tell me so easily," He said jokingly, making you crack a smile.

"You already know about us so there's no point in hiding it anymore." You allowed yourself to sink into the seat, staring up at the roof of the taxi with an exhausted exhale. Gyun Beo simply looked at you with curious eyes.

"What did you fight about?" He asked, fixing his posture so that he could look at you better. "I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"About you actually, and Chae Won... You probably don't know who she is but she acts like a total bitch." You paused, turning to look at him. "When we went on that date, he was with Chae Won. And they were somewhere really nice, nicer than wherever he took me."

"Oh shit really? That's really unfortunate." He said empathetically, and then he proceeded to put his hand over yours in a comforting manner. You felt goosebumps all over your body as soon as your skin touched his. He flashed you a charming smile as he continued. "Did he at least take you somewhere better than that botanical garden I took you to?"

"God, I wish! He's only taken me to malls. I appreciate it but come on... It feels pathetic." You complained to him, crossing your arms and sinking back into your seat. He chuckled as he replied.

"Well, a girl like you certainly deserves more than that. If ever, just call me. I'll bring you anywhere you wanna go." He grinned at you warmly. You felt your cheeks warm up a bit as he said that. You bit your inner cheek and smiled contently at him before the taxi stopped.

 Soon enough, you reached his house which was a small family house with a black fence around it. He paid for the cab even though you kept insisting that you'd pay. He got his keys deep in his pockets as he opened the door.

The second you walked in, you saw Eun Ae on the couch, laying there with his leg over the over on her phone. She looked up at you with wide eyes, probably wondering why you were there.

"Hang on, Y/N?" She said loudly and you nodded, waving awkwardly at her. "What the fuck, why are you here? Gyun Beo? Why are you both soaked?" She asked her brother, creasing one eyebrow.

"She's just gonna hang around here... Until she wants to leave. And we got wet from the rain, please don't ask anymore..." He smiled cheekily at her as he rubbed the back of his head. You smiled at the interaction between him and his sister.

"Uhm okay, just get dried up and get out of my face, Grandma would be worried if you ended up getting sick." She said before she went back to typing on her phone. He awkwardly smiles at you as he leads you upstairs into his room.

"Sit wherever, I'll get you a towel and I'll steal some clothes from my sister." He said, entering another room. You peeked your head through the door frame and asked.

"Wouldnt she be mad about that?" He laughs and comes back with clothes and a towel in hand.

"Nothing I can't handle. Now switch into these, you can use the downstairs bathroom, I'm gonna use this one." He said, pointing to the bathroom across the hall. You nodded in agreement, walking downstairs and asking Eun Ae where the bathroom was.

Once you got to the bathroom, you dropped onto the floor, your back sliding down the door.

"What the fuck am I doing here..." You groaned to yourself as you stared at the tiled wall on the other side of the room.

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