am i really a star? ☆ (episode, 1)

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         Tsukasa has no clue what to do, he starts to forget his lines, all jumbled up in his head.  He's scared.
"Tsukasa-kun?". "TSUKASA-KUN!"  Tsukasa snaps back to reality, realizing the show starts soon, a minute and a half to be exact.  "Tsuksasa-kun, are you okay?"  Tsukasa's mind gets delayed, and takes a few seconds to respond to Rui.  "Yes Rui-kun, I'm okay. A world future star is always okay!" Tsukasa states, obviously fake smiling. Tsukasa starts to get light heated, he's curious and clueless on why.  He starts thinking he overworked himself. He passes out infront of Rui, in his slim, lanky arms. All sound was blocked out of his ears, not being able to focus. The only thing he could comprehend and hear was "Tsukasa-kun!" He opens his eyes to the blinding light, shocking him, he closes his eyes.  Progressively opening and adjusting his eyes to the sudden blast of light upon him.  It's cold, very cold.

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