"Why would you want to visit them? They're just some old fools who are nothing but underneath us. My father would always say that if muggles are not to be allowed in Hogwarts, then our world would have been better."

You got frantic at this. But you kept your emotions to yourself, not wanting to be a lunatic in front of him. Then again, it was not that shocking for him to say something like this. Nonetheless, you are not going to let this pass.

"I believe that everyone should have the right to have an opportunity. I apologize for this but I do not agree with Mr Malfoy." The part where you apologize is a lie, you just don't want this boy to outburst all of a sudden and you don't have the energy to squabble with someone unreasonable.

"Why? It is simple to understand that they do not belong with our kind."

"Draco, I'm not sorry for this but I don't want to argue with your discriminative arse."

He was taken back at this. No one has ever said something like this in front of him. He wants to say something more but the eye that you're giving him gives him the signal that if he uttered another word, you will not hesitate for a second to hex him. "Whatever you say will not change my mind."

"I simply stated what I believe in. Changing your mind should be of your own will." As he was about to assert again, madam Malkin called your name in a high pitched voice. "You are ready to be fitted, dearie." The second she has called your name, you immediately stand up, not wanting to have another argument with the prideful, paradoxical boy.

"In a heated argument dear?" The both of you strolled along a hall wherein the end there is a circular curtain slid open and a mirror in it where you can see yours and Madam Malkin's reflection. "Oh no, he was the one arguing on his own."

"Well don't think about it too much. The Malfoys are always like that, having to only acknowledge what they believe in." She started to get your measurements while you simply stared at your reflection.

After having your measurements taken, you were accompanied outside of the room and there he is still, have not moved from the seat he was sitting on earlier. His icy grey eyes move from the suit that is in front of him to yours. 5 seconds felt like years if you say so yourself, your feet hauled you in front of the counter, not glancing back at the set of eyes that follows your form.

You just stood there, not wanting to have any interactions with him, for the reason that you will start quarrelling again. You heard him let out a rather rough sigh. An ice-cold silence filled the room, only the muffled working clatter of Madam Malkin is audible, that is before he decides to break it.

"You're infuriated at me yet you still wore the bracelet I gave you." Your eyes quickly darted at your wrist. There rests the custom made thin gold bracelet that has a double ring in the middle that collide with each other and cursive writing of your name that is embedded underneath the bracelet.

"Just because we don't agree with each other does not mean I have to break my promise." You did not turn for a second to see if he's smiling, because you know that he is. In a year that you and Draco had been friends, you know that simple things like these make him smile, his nasty attitude subsiding for a moment.

Draco, on the other hand, reminisced about the promise. It was your tenth birthday and the Malfoys were invited. In the middle part of the party, you and he were in the corner of the great hall, talking about useless things like; If there's an exception to every rule, doesn't the exception to that rule mean there are no exceptions?

Then after laughing at these useless things, he brought out a small black box that is tied with an elegant green ribbon. A letter on top of it that says; "To Y/N Dumbledore" He handed it to you but not before saying happy birthday. You quickly said thank you and went to open it. There, you saw the beautiful bracelet that you instantly placed on your wrist.

Forbidden Love II Yandere HP! Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now