1.2 Final Goodbye

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"That cut...will she be fine?"

"From what I can see, yes."

Hearing a familiar voice, Kyoko inwardly sighed in defeat. 

Well isn't this familiar? She thought.

"She's gaining consciousness." 

She was greeted yet again by concerned obsidian eyes. This time, beside them was a man wearing a red haori and maroon eyes. The iconic hanafuda earrings dangled at his ears as he carried a sleeping child wrapped in blankets snuggly in his arms. 

"Kyoko....." Uta suddenly bursts out crying. "I was so worried! SO SO WORRIED! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! UWAAAAAAAAAA!"

Not knowing what to do, Kyoko frantically tried to console the mother going through postpartum. Instead, she felt pain shoot through her body as she scrambled to sit up. 

"Hold him for me, I'll handle this."

Kyoto stared wide-eyed as she took the baby from the man and watched the couple interact. He embraced Uta, wiping her tears as he patted rhythmically on her back. 

Ok, that's adorable.

After a while, the couple left to allow her some rest; she finally had the time to process everything that had happened.



I changed the timeline, didn't I? She inwardly groaned. If Uta and their child aren't dead, doesn't that mean Yoriichi wouldn't become a Demon Slayer? Wouldn't that also mean there wouldn't be sun breathing or any breathing styles for that matter?

[Host. The world will try it's best to correct itself.]

But what if it doesn't?

[You would get ejected and this world will cease to exist.]

Wouldn't this impact the world outside of this? Isn't this a popular manga and anime series? Wouldn't that-

[You don't need to worry about that right now. What you need to do now is rest.]

I can't.

[...is it because of what your world went through?]

If....If I don't manage to save my world....what can I do? I'm homesick system. I want to go home but my home is gone. I'm tired. I thought they were my friend.

[....Host. Know this. If you fail to save your world, you'll just get your memory wiped and you'll continue this cycle again. Save worlds, earn enough credits to save your own world, so trust in yourself. Now sleep, you've earned it.]

Unexpectedly, a knock interrupted their conversation. "May I come in?"

Looking at the large shadow at the door, Kyoko inwardly sighed. "Yes Yoriichi, come in!"

When she saw the suspicion in his maroon eyes, she wasn't surprised. "You could tell couldn't you? That I'm not what you you consider human." She silently laughed when he saw his eyes narrow at her. "I know you can see beyond. The transparent world, was it?"


"I have my ways." Putting her finger toward her lip, she made a cat like grin with a shushing gesture." 

It's not like they'll understand the feeling of waking up to a talking mechanical giving you a chance to turn back time in exchange in saving fictional worlds. Plus, explaining what's implanted in my brain would be much harder.

QT: Reborn As a Canon FodderWhere stories live. Discover now