[3] They Keep Coming

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"Ugh, who keeps bringing these guys here? First you two, and then..." Hyperlaser trails off, briefly facepalming.

"Must be a really cool place we're in right now." Beebo continues to have his ice cream as he replies to Hyperlaser.

Knoddy looks absolutely furious, and what he's doing right now definitely shows that. He continues yelling at Beebo, despite Beebo not seeming interested.

"..Hm. Makes sense, I suppose..." Hyperlaser continues to observe the new characters that showed up.

They seem to have forms not similar to the regular Robloxian style, along with having unique outlines to most of them.

"..Strange lookin' creatures." Hyperlaser comments again.

Medkit soon begins to realize that more characters are showing up, and slowly stops healing Boombox and Skateboard. He now turns to face the group with a confused look on his face.

"Guys, stop fighting for a second." Medkit requests.

Boombox and Skateboard's attacks cease, as they also look over to where Medkit's staring.

"Hmm, what's the matter?? Cats got your ton..." Subspace trails off upon also noticing the gathering of unfamiliar characters.

"Well, what do we got here?!" He shoves Medkit to the side, now sprinting over and grabbing one of the people in the group.

"..Isn't that a program, Subsp-" Boombox tries to speak, before...

Immediately getting cut off by Subspace, "Yes, yes!! I'm absolutely sure a few of us know what the Dataverse is!!"

"..Oh." The Program that's being held by Subspace says.

"Anyways.. You look really, really vulnerable right now!! I could just annihilate you right here right now if I wanted!!" Subspace continues.

Another figure, also known as a Firewall Security, goes over and whacks Subspace with a strange glowing red baton. Subspace rotates his head to face the Firewall Security, his visible eye not showing much emotion.

"Let them go this instant." The Firewall Security demands, pointing the baton directly at him.

Subspace stares at them for a few seconds, before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"BAHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAAHAHAA!!...OOOooohh..!! Oooh, that's funny!! Ooohoho!!" Subspace manages in between his laughter.

"..You know, they're ri-" Right as the Program is practically finished, Subspace interrupts once again.

"Listen!! I'm having my fun right now, so I suggest you don't ruin it!! You wouldn't want to get on my bad side now, would you?!" Subspace's visible eye squints ever so slightly as he speaks.

Biograft walks over to Subspace, glancing around at the strange creatures that are seemingly from the 'Dataverse.' Medkit glares at Biograft for a few moments before continuing to spectate the interaction with Subspace and the Program. He doesn't seem interested in the slightest, but he doesn't have anything else to do aside from fight, which he isn't the best at due to him being more skilled at healing other PHIGHTERS.

"..Hmmph." Medkit merely comments.

Meanwhile, Boombox and Skateboard are having a quick conversation about what music Boombox should play next.

"I think this place could use a tad more tunes to keep everyone motivated! What do you think?" Boombox asks Skateboard.

"Hell yeah you should!" Skateboard sounds happy to hear that Boombox is gonna play some music.

"Awesome!" Boombox replies, as he now uses his boombox to play some music.

It seems to be playing a CD full of all sorts of songs, Rock, Metal, almost everything music can be. The boombox is currently playing a combination of Dance and Hiphop, also known as music Skateboard likes the most. Skateboard seems to be content now, which makes Boombox happy. Medkit glances over at the two, but shrugs it off. He really doesn't care.

...When suddenly...


A wave of dust crashes over the others, causing a few of them to cough. Hyperlaser mutters something unintelligible underneath his breath, before readying his railgun, getting into a position that would allow him to aim more accurately.

"..New guys. Again. They look like those outline pests." Hyperlaser grunts, tapping his railgun to ready it up a little more.

"..Mmh. Why you wanna kill 'em?" Beebo manages, still going away at his ice cream.

"They don't look evil..at least from over 'ere." He finishes, still enjoying his ice cream as he speaks.

"..Look at the green critter." Hyperlaser whispers to Beebo, pointing his railgun at the Program who has been shaking in fear for the past couple of seconds.
Then, he slowly advances his railgun over to the new ones. One of the figures are blue, taking on a rather cube-like appearance with an upside-down arrow inserted into the center of it's "face." It has been moved slightly downward.

The other figure appears more different. It has a triangle-like form instead of the cube form that the blue one has. Additionally, it's been surrounded by a pink-hot pink outline, with a circle in the middle that has also been positioned towards the bottom of it's "face." Hyperlaser now aims his weapon at these two, to show Beebo.

"Likely some sort of threat. I'll wait until they make a move on the others..then shots will fire." Hyperlaser explains to Beebo.

"..mhm. Cool." Is all Beebo responds with, too clearly lost on trying to finish his ice cream.

"Cool? This is possibly urgent matter! You might even have to jump in on this if things get...rough..." Hyperlaser mutters, pointing his railgun at Beebo now.

"..I mean, look! Doesn't seem like they're doing anythi-" As Beebo begins to finish his sentence, something whacks him in the face, causing him to fall over. "AAH-"

As he makes contact with the ground, a battery falls out from his back. He stares at his chest. There's a very odd looking shuriken lodged into his body, though it has been covered in this pink hue. Similar, if not exact, to the pink triangular creature standing by the group right now. He pulls the shuriken out, tossing it back over to that pink figure that originally sent it at him. His mouth drops as it grabs it with ease and rushes over to Subspace, repeatedly stabbing him with it.

"Eeheheee!! Violent, are we?!" Subspace exclaims, beginning to place explosive gems by the pink-ish figure. He stops when the pink creature begins to step away.

Hyperlaser takes a step forward, his railgun now aimed directly at the pink creature. He stands there for a moment, not doing anything. He seems to be waiting for it to step back a little more, in case if he accidentally shoots at Subspace instead. When it does step back just enough...


The pink figure is shot at by the railgun, taking a tumble onto the ground. It grunts, before managing a strange sentence...Perhaps it's own language, "Invel ajava.."

Hyperlaser steps back a little, putting his railgun in front of him as the pink figure suddenly launches the pink shuriken at him. It hits the railgun, though no dent or damage is made and it bounces off of the weapon.

..And it hits a figure sitting peacefully on the ground.

":(" Is the figure's response...How does one speak emoticons anyhow?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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