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"I gotchu sum" he told her and reached behind him to get a box then In that box he pulled out a diamond chain or necklace

"I gotchu sum" he told her and reached behind him to get a box then In that box he pulled out a diamond chain or necklace

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"Why did you get me this omg" she asked taking the necklace from him he smiled putting the box on top of the car

"Cause ya shit sound like macaroni" he joked while time he was dead ass

"What does that mean" she asked him he bent down to her level and whispered in her ear what it meant

"Ew your nasty" She laughed pushing him away

"So was you remember when y-"

"Blah blah that wasn't me" she said covering her ears he laughed and turned her around to put on the necklace he opened the small buckle on the necklace and put it on her then slapped her ass

"Ow that hurt" she said rubbing her rear and giving him the side eye as he laughed he opened the car door for her and let her go inside

"Why is it so heavy" she asked him as his entered the car

"Just like tha-"

"It's 10 in the morning please" she laughed as he drove off


As you know a week went by the whole week she spent with Kevin not by choice tho she gotten closer with Kevin and surprisingly he got close with her little sis to she had to leave Cecilia with him one time for an emergency it was a surprise to see that she wasn't crying or anything but anyways it was a hectic night it was 9:00 on a school night after trick or treating she had to go do a show at a Halloween party with the girls they were gonna perform some of their songs from their album 'go with the F.L.O' speaking of the girls they could tell something about her was off ever since the situation with her grandma she been acting weird and more distant from them...hm

Anyways about two hours ago she convinced Kevin to come along with her to go trick or treating and for the first time she met his sister and instantly loved her and since then Skylar stuck on to her layton and Kevin were dressed as avatar characters

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