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"Why are you staring at me" she asked spitting into the sink and washing her toothbrush off

"Why you so pretty" He asked her staring down at her lips she laughed and turned her head

"Your not flirting your way into my pants again get out I needa take a shower " she laughed he kissed his teeth but left the bathroom she limped her way over to the shower then took off her clothes and got in when a couple seconds later she felt someone climb in behind her she kissed her teeth and turned around

"Excuse me" She told him

"Your excused pass the soap" he told her she rolled her eyes and passed the soap when once again he grabbed her neck

"Who you rolling yo eyes at?" he asked her she ignored him and waved him off y'all already know what happened 💀let's just say they had to take a shower after the shower they just took

"Your nasty get off me" she wined pushing him off her she ran inside his bedroom to get ready if she got naked Infront him her organs would have been rearranged... literally after a while she finished getting ready and put this on

Because it was hot then she opened the door and walked out to see Kevin on the couch

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Because it was hot then she opened the door and walked out to see Kevin on the couch

"Wait wait hol on what's this" he asked her she pulled down her skirt and shrugged her shoulders

"It's hot outside I'm not wearing a hoodie" she told him he didn't care he started telling her how she was his now and nobody finna stare at whats his and blah blah blah whole lotta mess that she didn't wanna hear So she grabbed his keys and ran out the door to his car and Into the passenger seat

"I should fuck you up" He told her kissing his teeth she smiled and buckled her seat belt

"You wanna spend the day with me?" He asked her driving off she smiled and nodded her head


"I can play Sebastian fr but that director playin" Kevin said laughing and changing the topic they were on their way to her house because Faith ocean and her needed to catch up and girl time

"Are you Jamacian" she asked him

"No" he shook his head

"Ok then and stop changing the topic why don't you wanna dress up on Halloween" she smiled they were talking about Halloween since it was in a week she wanted to dress up and take her sister out for trick or treating

"I'm not doin that gay ass shit I'll just bring my lil sister trick or treating" he told her he has a lil 9 year old sister name Skylar

"You have a sister?" She asked him

"Yea she talk bout you alot" he shrugged his sister not realizing what he was saying she turned to him confused

"How does she know me" She asked him he scratched the back of his head coming up with something

"Uh she listen to yo music sometimes on the radio " He lied the reason she knows him is he talks about her ...and a lot she nodded her head slowly as they pulled up to her house she turned around to leave when he grabbed her arm she turned around and he grabbed her neck pulling her into a deep kiss not only was he her first time but her first kiss to wow

"What was that for" she asked him

"Just wanted to " he told her smiling she got out the car and went into the house then hugged the girls

"I feel like we barley see eachother anymore" Layton smiled sitting on the couch

"That's cause you always with your-"

"Boyfriendddd" Ocean and Faith said together laughing

"Not funny" Layton said rolling her eyes

"So umm remember how I was saying the other day that I wanted a baby and how I was excited to be a mom" faith asked them sitting down on the couch next to Layton both her and Ocean nodded then a big smile appeared on her face

"IM PREGNANT" She semi yelled a big smile appeared on the girls faces and they started screaming and jumped on top of her hugging her


"How far along are you " Layton asked sitting back down

"Three weeks I only found out yesterday and I was scared to say anything" faith admitted

"You told Dougie?" Ocean asked her

"Yeah surprisingly he was as happy as I was now to you lay lay" faith smiled turning to layton She laughed nervously she didn't know if they saw her leave the club with Kevin she hopped not because they wanted to keep it on the down low

"What do you mean " she asked them

"Don't play aroundddd we saw you and Kevin leaving the party so what happened after give us the deats" Ocean asked smiling at her Layton let go the breath she was holding in she couldn't keep a secret

"You have to promise not to tell" Layton told them they zipped their lips

"He took my yk and it was AMAZING" Layton smiled and started explaining how it happened and what happened after whole time she was blushing

"He really finna buy you a chain? Damn he pussy whipped already " Faith laughed

"So do you like him" ocean asked Layton didn't even really know herself she never really had a real crush before

"I don't know to be honest all I know is damn my legs hurt" she laughed but then remembered something she realized that in a couple days she was getting paid for a show then from her job then from the movie which means that the deal they had would be over once she paid him


It's been a hour since the girls catched up on everything that happened in the past few days till Kevin texted her


I'm outside ma I missed you

"I gotta go girls I'll see you later alright?" She told them and hugged them they said their good byes and stay safe and she left out the door to see him standing Infront of the passenger seat door


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