Pipe Room

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Inside the pit is where our main characters fall in, they are knocked out by the hard landing, but they are okay. Ember moved a bit till she started waking up, her head hurts a bit and body a bit sore as well. She looked at her wings and one of them broken, she can't fly till she get that fix.

Ember: great... just great.

She noticed those green creatures are lying on the floor, but luckily they are dead. She looked around her surroundings, it's a bit dark with some lights and pipes on the wall.

 She looked around her surroundings, it's a bit dark with some lights and pipes on the wall

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She also saw the others om the floor, she shook Cherry Cookie and that woke her up.

Cherry Cookie: huh... what happened?

Ember: you dropped your bomb, it exploded and all of us fell down here.

Cherry Cookie: oh... woops. Also, can you fly us out of here?

Ember: if you haven't noticed my wing is broken! I can't fly, idiot!

Cherry Cookie: geez, no need to yell so loud. You might attract something that lives down here.

Ember: *sigh* let's just wake the others up.

So the two girls woke the rest of them up, once their are awake they decided to keep going. They are walking through the tunnel, while sticking close to each other.

Mina: man, it sure is spooky down here.

Pikachu: yeah. Dark places creaps me out, you never know what lives in the dark.

Heavy: do I smell spoil baby diapers?

Wheelie: ha!

Pikachu: hey! Also, your not scared?

Heavy: neit. Heavy fought scary things I the dark every year on Halloween.

Pikachu: like what?

Heavy: Demoman's eye, headless horsemen, raining bombs, wizard man.

Mina: wait did you say headless horsemen?

Before Heavy could answer that they heard a noise, it was close, really close, and it sounded like it was above them. They slowly look up and there it was a yellow bat creature.

 They slowly look up and there it was a yellow bat creature

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