night calls

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I was waiting for von for a very long time that night but i got to tired so i fell asleep but i did fill out some applications i woke up i felt the sun thru the curtains and i felt vons arms cuddling me i felt so happy he didn't break our promise

i decided to get up and make him something to eat cuz he don't like cooking late at night so he just won't eat so imma jus go fix him his favorite breakfast before he woke up


"bae" i say kissing his lips

"mhmm" he says still sleep

"here" i say holding his sandwich muffins around his nose when he smelt that smell his ass woke up with no problem making me giggle

"thank you mama" he says sitting up kissing me before taking the plate i sat the milk down going to sit on my side of the bed

"are they good" i say sittin on the bed

"yeah ofc" he says drink half the glass of milk down

"make yo bones strong then" i say squeezing his arm laughin

von jus laughed starting to eat again

...couple days later

"i been filling out job applications"i say happy to tell von as we was on the way to the store

"for what you got me" von says looking at me like i was dumb

"i want my own stuff tho" i say von says smilin

"oh yeah" he says making me nod smilin with him

"igh then get that money then"he says giggling shakin his head

.... later on that day we was inna store

"bae have a bitch every cleaned yo house" i say just asking honestly i didn't care i just wanted to know what worked best on his floors

"why" von says looking at me side eyein me

"no like what works best on yo floors" i say lookin at the floor cleaners laughin at him cuz he was nervous to answer

"oh es shit right here" he says taking me to the other section to get sum ajax grabbing a couple which i mean a lot cuz we was stocking up

"okay" i say going to get some dish soap and start getting some stuff to cook at the house

"you wanna have a seafood bowl" i say lookin at von as he walked behind me checking his surroundings while trynna pay attention to me

"mmm" he says looking around before his phone start to ring i pull his face to look at me

"do you wanna have a seafood bowl yes or no" i say trynna get a sufficient answer

"yes my favorite is shrimp" he says before i move my hand going to grab the shrimp

... we finished grabbing everything we wanted from snacks to drinks an we went to check out we got literally a lil sum from everything in the store

but i had a couple more places to go which was we needed to go to the mall but we just found single stores instead which we went to nike for von and Victoria secret for me cuz i like to change out our drawls all the time cuz wearing the same ones for a long time ain't the move

"why we in here u want some shoes assum" he says making me shake my head no while grabbing us nike socks and adidas

"we don't fw them" he says putting the adidas sock gettin the puma

"you right" i say laughing grabbing both are sizes then going to the boxers

"which ones you like bae" i say making him pick atleast 15 pair

"alr come on" i say grabbin me 2 pair too

I swiped my card before von could pull et money and he was death starin me so hard

it was only a lil 300 he can chill on me buyin allet shii from the store

he ain't say nun tho but i grabbed the bags carrying them to the car while he was following

"2 more place then you go hit stings" i say using his lingo

"alr and where is that" he says backing out the parking space

"Victoria secret then bath an body works they down the street tho" i say dancin in my seat


i was at home cleaning the house putting everything up

i was listening to music just vibing before someone knocks on vons door i go look thru the pephole and see someone in a mask so i slowly back from the door running to his room going under the bed feeling under the bottom for his other gun i just needed one i pulled out a aka and i placed it in my hands going back to the front to see if they was still there they was but it looked like they was layin on the floor so i stopped my music calling von

"baeee someone's beating on the door in a skii" i say talking scared

"fuck did he come that way" he says talking to his self "open the door ma that's durk" he says making me run to the door as i heard police sirens coming close i hurried and pulled him in the house before slamming the door shut making the police keep going he was bleeding from his stomach it look like so i rushed to get towels

"bae he's bleeding out his stomach" i say yellin as von was on speaker

"i'm otw" he says hanging up i luckily knew what to do cuz i used to be a nurse for a school scholarship so i grabbed some q-tips , tweakers and some other shit before layin him on the floor i made him wake back up before i took the bullet out i made him drink some clear liquor before pulling it on his wound clearing his spot he was bleeding from he woke back up to say

"aye you know what you doing" he says grabbing my hand stopping me from doin it making me quickly nod before he layed back passin back out

"ready" i say calling it before i hadda dig for it then i grabbed it pulling it out before pulling more liquor on it again before i put a large band aid on it then wrapping him up with an ace bandage as von was walkin

"fuck he alr" he says noddin

"help me get him to the couch he's jus passed out he was havin bad heat flashes"i say making von nod before i go sit a couple towels on the couch before laying him there

i checked von for anything before I started cleaning the floor up i even cleaned the porch on the concrete making sure we couldn't be traced from it

i made us loaded cheese burgers with curly fried before durk woke up and von was right there with him but i made sure they both ate

"so who is es"durk said as he sat up to eat as i put the plates on the tables going back for drinks

"this my girlfriend Zariah" he says making me smile an wave after sittin they drinks down

"y'all want ketchup or anything" i say makin durk nod

"ketchup and mustard" he says making me walk to go get it

"here u go" i say going to the room to get in the shower cuz i didn't feel clean again

i got in the shower an half way thru it von came in getting in with me

"what u doin" i say smilin as him as he kissed my neck from behind

to be continued....

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