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it's been a couple days an i was sleep in vons room when i heard something fall i got up seeing von wasn't beside me and i walked out the room poking my head out the door i walked down the hallway seeing von trynna walk down the steps by himself he was a very independent mf but he needed to depend on me for now cuz he wouldn't be able to do it by himself

"need help" i say getting under his arm to help him walk down the steps "what fell" i say as we made it halfway

"my crutch" von said as i picked it back up for him letting him go about his way i used the downstairs bathroom before i seen von in the kitchen taking out some bacon

"you hungry"i say making him nod

"yeah" he said while making me open the bacon while yawnin grabbing a pan to put it on when it's in the oven i put the oven on 425 before sliding the pan in going to his fridge grabbing eggs

"you want pancakes bacon and eggs" i say looking at him sitting down watching me

" please" he says as i grab a skillet

"i gotchu you can go in the living room and wait i'll bring it to you" i say without turning around looking at him but i heard his crutch hitting the ground


after i made his food i went to take it to him with a large glass of milk and caught him sleeping he been on some new medication so i just laughed rubbed the slobber off his face with the napkin i brought making him wake up

"hey here" i say as he smiled and took it starting to eat

"thank you mama" he says making me frown all the cheating everything came back with that name making me uncomfortable

"i know you eating but can we talk" i say looking over at him with tears in my eyes ik he felt bad cuz he cupped my face

"why did you cheat on me and be foreal with me von"i say making him cough his food up

"ian gone lie to you"von says making me nod

"i just lost feelings for you" he says breaking my heart fr in 15 different pieces

"you couldn't have told me you just wanted to cheat an break me even more" i say looking at him while he was looking like he was finna laugh

"the fact i let a nigga hit on me just cuz i wanted to make sure you was good is crazy" i say as i picked up my clothes and my shoes before walking upstairs to grab the rest of my things i put it in my bag and walk back downstairs

"aye what you say" he says making look at him and shake my head

"nothing at all" i say walking out the front door i still made sure it was locked going to my car getting in i quickly wiped my tears making my way to my apartment i jus wanted to go home an starve and die over a nigga tho is wild i just needed a couple days tho an imma be back

... couple days later



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