Day 2.

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Word Count: 765

Allison's POV

In the morning, sunlight was pouring in through the window.

I looked at my phone and saw something I never wanted to see.


I just sat there staring at my phone.

How could've I slept in?!

I must have slept through my alarm!

I jumped out of bed as if a spider had just crawled on my bed.

I changed faster than I had ever changed in my life.

I brushed my hair and raced down the stairs.

When I got down to where everybody was, they were all standing in a line and Miss Winds was standing there as if she were waiting for me.

"Miss Forest, I have told you already once that if you did this again I wouldn't go easy on you, did I not?"

"Yes, you did did Miss Winds. And I understand the consequences ."

"Then go and get one apple, one blanket and a pillow. Go up to the attic and stay up there for the rest of the day."

"Yes, ma'am."

I started walking away but then thought of a question.

"Miss Winds? Will I have my phone?" I asked.

"No. While you get what you need you will bring your phone down to me. I will keep it until you can come back."

I nodded silently and went back upstairs, got my pillow and my super fuzzy 'Doctor Who' blanket.

I folded up my only blanket, put my 'Doctor Who' pillow on top and got my phone.

I walked back downstairs and got an apple.

I gave Miss Winds my phone and she took and I turned away, trying not to cry.

I went upstairs and pulled the ladder down and jumped when I saw Miss Winds standing next to me.

She must have followed me to close the door.

I went up the ladder, then when I got up there Miss Winds pushed the ladder up and closed the door.

I couldn't see much but I saw a string and pulled it.

Lights came on and surprisingly it wasn't that bad.

There was a small table and a broom. I put my blanket and pillow, putting my my apple down on my pillow so that it didn't get all yucky.

I picked up the broom and started sweeping away the dust on the floor.

When I was done I put the broom away and laid my blanket down on the floor.

I picked up my apple and pillow.

I put down my pillow and sat on down on the cold, hard ground. (Anyone get it?)

I had a watch so I looked at it and it read '12:30'.

I sighed and laid down.

I fell asleep and when I woke up it was 2:30 pm and I was really hungry.

I used my sweater and wiped off my apple and ate it.

After I was done I put it on the table and decided to sleep.

I woke to a small girl shaking me. It was Amy try to wake me up.

She was only 12 and like me, had no family.

"You're allowed back downstairs." She said.

She sounded tired so I looked at my watch. It was 11:30 pm.

I nodded.

She waited while I got my blanket folded. I picked up my pillow and apple core.

I followed her down the stairs and she closed it behind me.

I went to the kitchen and threw my apple core away.

We parted ways and I went Miss Winds' office, knowing that she would be awake.

I knocked and she said, "Come in."

I opened the door and was at her desk doing something.

She looked at me and said, "You're here for your phone are you?"

"Yes." I said, slightly scared, but not sure why.

She got up, opened a drawer and pulled out my phone.

When she got to me she asked, "You will not do this again will you?"

"No ma'am."

She handed me my phone and turned away.

I went back upstairs to my bed and laid my blanket down on my bed.

I put my pillow down and plugged in my phone.

I pulled back my blanket, got into bed and went to sleep.



I am so sorry that I haven't been active much.

The power went out then after it was back, THE WIFI WENT OUT!!

I was like, 'DEAD FOREVER!!!!!'.

And the wifi isn't back yet.

I'm at work (My mom's work)

But someone from AT&T is coming to fix it.

That's all I guess!


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