Chapter 60: Sunday

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Y/n POV:
With so many thoughts circulating in my head about Tom and Harrison or lack of their presence I decided that it would be a good idea to hang out with some friends. I was sitting in the living room with Frankee and Winston when Sam came downstairs. "Now which twin are you?" Winston questioned.

"Come on we don't even look alike." Sam sighed in passing.

"They seriously don't." I added once Sam had left the room.

"He's cute." Winston whispered.

"He's straight." Frankee whispered back.

"You know what I actually don't know. Sam has never really shown any interest in girls." I shared.

"Oh my god this is my chance!" Winston practically yelled. Frankee and I laughed.

"So what should we do today?" Frankee questioned.

"I don't know, there's usually more happening in the house but Tom and Harry are still in Atlanta." I replied.

"Yeah I saw that on Tom's post. He looked so sexy besides the giant cast for his ankle." Winston responded.

"Well since he's not here maybe we could snoop around his room?" Frankee offered.

"I used to sleep in there for months... I can assure you that there's nothing interesting." I replied.

"Are you sure?" Winston asked. "Because I want to see what size condom he uses."

"Quiet down, Paddy is literally home right now." I shushed.

"Speaking of Paddy my little sister totally has a thing for him." Frankee shared.

"Aww that's so cute. He mentioned a few weeks ago that he had a girlfriend but I never met her so I guess it wasn't super serious." I replied.

"Yeah I had girlfriends in middle school too... none of those relationships were super serious." Winston added.

"Hey! I'm offended. I dated you in middle school for three days." Frankee replied.

"Oh my god no way!" I exclaimed.

"Yes way, unfortunate huh?" Winston questioned.

"Oh shush I was a great girlfriend. I even let him braid my hair at lunch every day." Frankee shared. "You know what thinking about it I should have known you were gay..."

"Well it's great that you guys are still friends." I said.

"Cause his mom still pays me." Frankee teased.

"Okay rude! Your mom loves me, she makes me grilled cheese every time I go over there and it's the best grilled cheese ever." Winston replied.

"You know who makes really good grilled cheese?" I questioned.

"Who?" Winston asked.

"Sam. He takes all of these cooking classes." I shared.

"We should ask him to make grilled cheese for us." Frankee mentioned.

"I am kind of hungry..." Winston agreed. The three of us ran into the kitchen where Sam was watching YouTube and eating a snack.

"Hey Sam...." I hinted.

"What do you need?" He questioned.

"That's so nice of you to ask, we were wondering if you could cook up 3 fresh grilled cheese sandwiches." Frankee explained.

"Actually 5, cause I'm assuming Frankee and y/n want one." Winston corrected which made all of us laugh.

"Okay I will but what do I get out of this?" Sam questioned.

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