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A/n: Merkle will talk, but no one will understand what she is saying because no one can speak dog.


( A four years ago )

Bob was driving his way home from work when he was a small puppy wandering on the streets with one of its front paws raised up not putting pressure on it, he quickly pulled over and as soon the puppy saw him get out of the car, she started going towards him with a her tongue sticking out and her tail wagging.

Puppy: ( thoughts: ) Hi new friend.

Bob: Hey, there, little fella. ( Slowly picks up the puppy ) What are you doing out here? Huh?

The puppy barked in response, Bob then looked at her paw and saw that it had a splinter on it.

Bob: Let's take you somewhere safe.

Bob then placed the puppy in the car on the passenger seat, and went in the driver's seat before he began driving home again.

Puppy: ( thoughts, happily: ) Oh, we're going somewhere? Okay!

When they got to the house, Bob took the splinter out of the puppy's paw and took her inside and brought her to the living room. The puppy then saw a woman and two kids, a girl and a boy, the girl looked older than the boy.

Bob: Look what I found on the way home. ( Show the puppy to his family )

Violet: A puppy!

Dash: Cool!

Bob placed the puppy down before he and Helen walked into the other room, the puppy quickly went to the kids with a big smile. She went towards Violet and Dash and started licking their faces.

Puppy: ( thoughts, happily and excitedly: ) Friends? New friends? New home???

( A few months later )

The puppy, now known as Merkle, was laying in Violet's bed, Violet was asleep and had her arm over Merkle with a smile. Merkle yawned before she snuggled up to the girl and fell asleep.

( Present, in the morning )

Merkle, now a big dog, was sleeping on Violet's bed, Violet was now a teen and was still asleep, until Merkle went to roll over and accidentally fell to the floor, the thud woke Violet up. Merkle whined before she stood up, shaking her fur.

Violet: ( yawns ) ( sits up ) I'm up, girl.

Merkle: ( thoughts: ) Another amazing day with my favorite humans.


That's it for the prologue, I hope you like it

What do you think about the Parr's family dog so far?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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